Title mess, eh?
Here in Ohio trying to get a title for an old abandoned vehicle is nearly impossible, and you must be very careful not to mention "junk yard" or "salvage" or similar words in the license bureau offices. Otherwise the bureaucrats there will flip out and demand that the vehicle be destroyed, because of laws that were created with the intent of stopping "chop shops" from resurrecting totaled-out wrecks and selling them as good used cars.
So here in Ohio (according to rumor...wink wink, chuckle) when a car collector finds an old abandoned vehicle with no title, it is common practice to sell that vehicle through the mail to someone in another state, where only a bill-of-sale is required for older vehicles. Then the party whom you have sold the vehicle to takes your bill-of-sale into his title bureau, and has a title made in his own name, in that state. Then he will sell your vehicle back to you, signing his new title over to you in the presence of a notary public, and sending it to you for you to sign as the new buyer. It's silly to have to do things that way, but some of these laws are like cheap padlocks... They don't even slow down the thieves, but they sure to create hassles and headaches for honest people trying to collect and restore vintage vehicles!
The practice is technically legal, because you really are selling your vehicle to another person, and they really are titling it in their own name, and then they really are selling it back to you. But you sure wouldn't want to tell your title bureaucrats how you did it. Or they might blow a blood vessel on the spot. Denying honest people the right to buy a title or license plates is the favorite pasttime of many 'crats I have been around. LOL.