Just my opinion and I know you did not ask for it and I am not trying to start a debate and will not argue cause I enjoy being on this site too much but I just have to say.....I think it is in poor taste to try and sell these wrenches, ( in my opinion ) here or anywhere else but especially on this site. My blood is a little hot so please bear with me.
You had a long post concerning these wrenches, asking for information, made the statement that you always wanted a set like this ( this was only a few weeks ago ) told everyone you paid 60 dollars for them, got input from other members of your ongoing story to attain them and now you offer them here for 5 times what we all know you paid for them!!
Again I think that is in poor taste, I know you are young and I guess maybe no one taught you that maybe this sort of thing might be a no no.
Maybe its just me but I dont think so.
They are your wrenches, you can do what you want with them obviously but seeing this post was a bit of a disappointment to me.
I know Im nobody though so please carry on.
BTW Id like to say as a joke my new wizard wrench is for sale for the first 100 bucks but no matter how many times I try and see it in humor I cannot.
P.S. my new wizrd wrench is not for sale!
Yes I made a post previously about these wrenches. I have trually wanted a set for a while. My necisety for transportation beats my desire for these. I have them priced high however look around and find a set in this condition. I had no intentions of originally selling them, telling you guys what I paid for them was basically like shooting myself in the foot.
I have two parents and a great family who have taught me everything I know. I don't think they did a bad job. Before you critisize me maybe you should go critisize those stealing stuff, doing drugs, etc etc etc.
One thing that I like about this forum is that most of the guys one here will give away or practically give away a tool to someone else if that someone else appreciates it greater than themselves. I have been on this forum a couple of years ( maybe ) now and I have never seen such an outrageous set of posts as what led up to these wrenches.
To be honest as I said it was a disappointment to me. ( Still is )
I hate to think of this site and the people that participate here as trying to get one over on one another, I like yourself ( I am assuming ) have to deal with this sort of stuff on a daily basis in the real world.
In my opinion these sort of profit margins are more of an e-bay thing, I like to think of the majority of people on this site as family that are not caught up in the bottom line/greed.
This sort of stuff is what made this country what it is now but in my opinion this is not a good thing.
I guess I look at things differently. If I but something for 50 cents and I buy it to sell ( which I rarely do ) than if I make a dollar than I am thrilled, Ok I guess I just doubled my money so bad example, if I buy something for 60 dollars and I find someone that collects these and appreciates the item more than I will ( this is his hobby cause I do not sell to re-sellers ) than I sell for 60 dollars, I make no profit but I make a friend.
After re-reading my post I can see where I may have been out of line though, they are as I said your wrenches to do with what you want and I have no place to tell you what you should be doing with them so sorry for that.
There are disappointments to be found everyday everywhere and this was just another for me.