I was able to finish removing the wood (and other debris) that was racked up top - well at least I removed wood to the extend I wanted it down. There is a planked (4x12s) area I will leave for storage....but the stored wood is down. There was more wood up top than I thought. I had forgotten about a kitchen fire in the house at some point in my early years where it had to be rebuilt/fixed. It seems some of the char'd wood torn out from the fire was stored up top. I also found 2x6xrandom bead board, 2x6xrandom finish planed t/g, and a couple 2x12x16 (store bought) that have some great grain and will be used for certain.
This is the mess I had after bringing down all the wood that was stored.

Part of an old sign stored up top:

It looks so much better up top, and ready for some lathing after I unbolt some of the angle iron and turn it around.

This is what I was able to save

And those 2x12x16

and the rest - they ended their life and will rest where they started - in the dirt of that property. It's really an unusual life-cycle for a piece of wood these days; to grow as a tree on the property, cut down by hand by the owner, milled in the back yard (still there), planed in the shop, house built by hand with it, torn down later because of fire in house, saved "just in case" for 35+ years, and burned to the ground out front by a grandson reaching for some order. I'm never proud to burn old wood - and don't unless it just doesn't make sense to keep it (less than 36" usable went)....but in this case it felt good to my soul to be a part of it. It will feel better to make use of that wood I saved :)

I was able to get that pumping unit base moved

I've searched for this tool from the day I started the project. I had given up hope that it would be found, but wouldn't you know I found it today in the very last underneath the counter corner way back in the back kinda thing. I am very happy to have found it. I'll let you tell me what it was used for.

A view of the shop at end of day

and a final picture - a view by the gate as I was locking up.