First new ratchet in awhile. A Kobalt "gearless" racthet in 3/8". Typical Taiwanese-handle, very big round head - even bigger than the Bonney (which I thought was massive!)
Still trying to figure how this thing functions. Apparently when torque is applied in the desired direction the hex shape of the center drive pushed the 6 roller bearing out, producing an interference fit which "jams" the mechanism for movement. Releasing the torque allows the rollers to retract back into the inner ring, allowing for freewheel. How the direction changing knob switches the inner mechanism remains a mystery. Very smooth, seems like it would take high forces easily. Plus it's quick release!
About the only down side is the placement of the two retainer flat coil springs. they are not interchangeable. Apparently the mechanism requires a certain amount of free-play to operate, and the flat springs appear to be different thicknesses. Switching them messes up the fine play adjustment. As does too much light grease.

So if you need a ratchet with minimal arc swing (and the big head isn't an issue) I'd say this tool would work.