Hey guys.
I figured I would do a quik little update cause I have nothing better to do.
I am not working as much anymore, actually I barely work. My days pretty much consists of cooking and cleaning up after grandma(both big accomplishments cause neither I did before LOL) . I then have to constantly watch her in terms of making sure she doesn't wonder off. About a half hour ago she was going to see the neighbors to say hi. At 4 this morning she woke up and was going to bake a cake for her sons 9th birthday. The neighbors don't live there anymore and her kids are all grown.
Its bitter sweet cause I will be moving out within the month. I have a friend who as a extra room at their apartment and will help with rent. I have already talked to my cousin about getting my job back full time. The numbers are tight, but they work. In other worlds I wont be able to buy extra wrenches. Hopefully ile pick up a few side jobs as well, like I use to do.
My uncles/aunts refuse to see there mom in a nursing home and they don't want to watch her. My dad has talked to them an made it clear and they don't get it. They are all quik to say Ile be there, then something always comes up. Its sort of funny how they told me there car wont start so they cant make it, then I see there tagged on facebook at some restraunt with there kids. Or there sick, then there dog is sick(that's literally a excuse I got). Theres always something for all of them why they cant be here. One of them comes over for three hours a week and that's it. Oh an a few of the other grandkids came over once, but never again. The one told me “well I cant stand her so ime leaving”
It came down to me basically saying hey uncles/aunts ime moving out in a month so figure out what your going to do. They think ile back down, but I wont. Truth be told as much as I love my grandma I cant be a unpaid babysitter 12-18 hours a day, seven days a week. I only got so much money saved up, an school an car insurance, etc aint cheap. But its more then just the money part, its making me extremely bitter against my own family.
My parents have been great through everything, and I don't know how I would of done half of this without them. They truly have stood by me in there own ways. They both work two jobs, an do as much as they can when there home.
I go to school Tuesday and wednseday morning. I really enjoy it. I am finding it harder then I thought but I trually enjoy it. Luckily I only had to miss school once and my mom only had to leave work early twice for me to make school. Other then that the schedule works out were one is home.
That's about all for now.