Author Topic: Just need to vent  (Read 17600 times)

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Offline rusty

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Re: Just need to vent
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2014, 08:14:59 PM »
There is a very old expression, locks keep honest people honest....very sad...but very true...sigh
Just a weathered light rust/WD40 mix patina.

Offline Branson

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Re: Just need to vent
« Reply #16 on: January 06, 2014, 07:12:37 AM »
Ya know, some things you just don't do.  And a big one is you just don't go through other people's stuff.  Especially, you do not rummage through somebody's tools -- more especially the tools somebody uses to make their living.  Your uncle ought to know better.

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Re: Just need to vent
« Reply #17 on: January 06, 2014, 04:20:53 PM »
Need to set your ground rules!!! "If you need something, please ASK me, don't just go through my stuff!!" "These tools are my livelihood, I need them to survive.. So I need to protect & control them.."
Aloha!  the OldTool guy
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Offline OilyRascal

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Re: Just need to vent
« Reply #18 on: January 06, 2014, 04:51:39 PM »
I wish I had a dollar for each failed attempt by an electrician or plumber to walk up to my $800 miter saw to cut a piece of PVC with a $100 finish blade.  Constant battle.

My favorite is when one wants to put his/her drink on top of the cast iron saw table.  I've thrown a many of drink across the way.

My best to your grandmother, Neil.
"FORGED IN THE USA" myself.  Be good to your tools!

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Offline Nolatoolguy

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Re: Just need to vent
« Reply #19 on: January 07, 2014, 03:22:25 AM »
You guys are all ever so correct.

I have most of my tools in a small heated shop in the back of the garage. Theres cabinets on the other side of the garage as well. The rest lays in half of a two car garage. Whats in half the garage is more like mowers an material. Two antique tablesaws and a small antique planer are there as well.

A door is on the shop an theres a lock on it. Sad thing is the lock isn't matching the door frame an who knows were the key is. I want to put a hasp type lock on the door but my dads like did he steal anything?

I admit I value those tools more then there worth. I often tend to think I have ten million dollars there. Its not that much, or not even as much as some of you guys have. To me its like everything, since I was young I was buying tools. I couldn't just replace them in a single day. As others said I also rely on those tools for work and occasional small side jobs.

I love the story about the expensive saw blade. I was once lazy an figured several cuts on some composite decking wont hurt. Well that was a lesson I learned, but it was my own tool.

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Offline Nolatoolguy

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Re: Just need to vent
« Reply #20 on: January 12, 2014, 08:24:42 AM »
Well guys yesterday was it.

My uncle went through my tools once again. We didn't argue as much as I told him to stay out my stuff. He stayed quite and left.

Later he made a comment to the family how I have a lighter in my shop and hes worried ime doing drugs. My one aunt will believe anything you say, so she was concerned as well. He continued to try to accuse me of doing drugs because I spend a lot of time out there. I by no means am perfect but never in my life have I done drugs and never will I. 

I was civil and tried to explain theres probably a lighter maybe even three I don't know exactly. Theres more then one use for a lighter an chances are I lit a pilot light or something like that. Truth be told I really don't know what exactly I last used it for. I do know it wasn't used for drugs.

Were putting a lock on the shop door today. My uncles gonna hate it but I don't care. He has no need to be in there. He is welcome to come see his mom but he is not welcome in my shop for any reason.

Thanks for just letting me vent here. It always helps, especially when you guys give advice.
And I'm proud to be an American,
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And I won't forget the men who died,
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Offline Chillylulu

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Re: Just need to vent
« Reply #21 on: January 12, 2014, 08:36:08 AM »
It's too bad you need a lock to keep out family.  But you have to protect your stuff, and your sanity.

Your uncle accused you to deflect attention from himself, because he knew he was wrong and you busted him. A lighter = drugs?!? His logic is strained.

You're nicer than me, I would have set a couple of uncle traps.

Good luck.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2014, 08:41:44 AM by Chillylulu »

Offline Branson

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Re: Just need to vent
« Reply #22 on: January 12, 2014, 08:43:07 AM »
The guy's a jerk.  The crap about you doing drugs because there's a lighter in your shop is a lame a$$ excuse to try to justify his petty snooping.
Make that  lock a strong one! 

Teach him better?  Confucius really did say, "Why carve on rotten wood?"

Your house, your shop, your rules.  If he can't honor the rules, maybe he doesn't need to come over -- even to visit his mother.  Not if he won't respect simple, honest, and reasonable rules.

Offline Nolatoolguy

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Re: Just need to vent
« Reply #23 on: January 12, 2014, 08:53:51 AM »
Your correct, its sad you have to lock stuff from your own family. I really don't think he would take anything as much as he is noisy and wants to start stuff.

The only reason I welcome him to our house is the fact I don't want to drive the family apart. I interact as little as possible with him.

Sadly he thinks its his moms house so he can come and go whenever he pleases. Along with do whatever he pleases.
And I'm proud to be an American,
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Offline Chillylulu

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Re: Just need to vent
« Reply #24 on: January 12, 2014, 09:20:45 AM »
Your dad really needs to step up and support you.


Good for him!  I'm glad he agrees to the lock.

« Last Edit: January 12, 2014, 09:44:22 AM by Chillylulu »

Offline Nolatoolguy

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Re: Just need to vent
« Reply #25 on: January 12, 2014, 09:39:49 AM »
Your dad really needs to step up and support you.


My dad does in his own way. He did defend me a lot, as soon as he found out. My uncle is always convenient to bring it up when my dad isn't around. My dad is one to not speak much, but when he does it means a lot. He has tried to talk it over with my uncle but its going no were. My uncle will just make a issue no matter what it is, he finds stuff to make issues of. My dad was originally all against a lock but now he sees my point.

My other aunt defended me as well. My mom was out at the time.
And I'm proud to be an American,
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And I won't forget the men who died,
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Offline Nolatoolguy

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Re: Just need to vent
« Reply #26 on: January 18, 2014, 02:09:26 AM »
 So we put a padlock on the shop door the other day. Uncle wasn't to fond of that, as what would I be hiding. I really don't care what he thinks about that thoe.
Me and my dad just really are at the end with my uncle. Its like sometimes he makes it harder then helps. Some of my other family is starting to see it but not nearly as much as we do.
Today he called my mom at work, she didn't answer. He called my dad and he was busy working also. He called me, and i answered. He said she has to go to the bathroom and that's just disgusting so hes not going to help with it. I said well ime at work an he asked well who's going to be home first, it can wait. Sadly he was serious about that. My dad called back but i was closer and he cant just leave whenever. I went home and helped. Ime sorry but its one of those things that I don't want to help with either but i will cause i love her. Its like not everything in life can be about you and what you want.
She then was hungry and it was about lunch time. Of course i had to fix food for her cause he wouldn't. I fixed lunch for her an he asked were his is. I couldn't respond, well i could but i don't wana start crap infront of my grandma. I just went up stairs for two minutes so i didnt totally freak out on him and i come back down and she was saying she likes the news beter after my uncle put his show on. Then he makes a joke how we should just put a padlock on the bathroom as well(referencing to the lock we put on the shop door) cause shele have to go.
Many things like those and others have demonstrated why he wont be watching her.
Its just been a big adjustment with her moving in. We use to come an go whenever and now we cant always do as we please. Its something that has to be done and is well worth it. In the mean time its just a little hard. We will do what needs to be done to make it work thoe.
I have been real lucky as my cousin has been letting me make up my own schedule for work an just come an go around when I need to watch my grandma. Ime also still using one of his company pickups. As good as it is I somewhat dislike it cause I feel like ime taking handouts or something. I don't want special treatment or whatever it may be called.
The aunt she lived with is helping a lot as well. Between the four of us we usually can be there 24. around the clock. There are times we ask my uncle to help or my other aunt. That don't work out thoe so we avoid that.
My parents are also just great. I couldn't ask for better parents. Through this as much as we struggle with other family I got my mom and dad. Me and my dad went out to dinner tonight while my mom watched grandma.
Starting next week we will have caregivers in the mornings and some afternoons. They will do breakfast, showers, an just keep her company. My aunt and dad arranged that and my uncle made a comment about taking away form money they can inherit.
And I'm proud to be an American,
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And I won't forget the men who died,
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Offline Batz

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Re: Just need to vent
« Reply #27 on: January 18, 2014, 02:54:19 AM »
Your doing it a bit tough mate.

I wish I could shake your hand and buy you a beer, in Australia that would mean I care.


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Offline Plyerman

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Re: Just need to vent
« Reply #28 on: January 18, 2014, 02:51:24 PM »
That's a tough situation you're in Nola but I'm proud of the way you are dealing with it.
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Offline Nolatoolguy

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Re: Just need to vent
« Reply #29 on: January 20, 2014, 08:52:37 AM »
Thanks plyerman and Batz, I appreciate it.

Ime sitting here with her now and shes watching some home shopping network. Good thing she doesn't have a credit card, lol.

And I'm proud to be an American,
where at least I know I'm free.
And I won't forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.
~Lee Greenwood