Its a Fairbanks-Ward 6 1/2" clutch saw. This belonged to my grandfather who I believe passed away in 58-59. I was too young to remember the exact year. It has been in my possession since the early 70's. I used it for several years until I just had to have a "new" one. Same old story, "new and improved". Never realizing this was and probably always will be a much better saw. Seems pretty well made to me. It does need some work, the cord looks original and shows it. That and some cleaning and it may be as good as or better than new. I have been toying with the idea of finding it a good home. It has just sat on the shelf for way too long. Now it has become an obsession to find out more about it. I have tried searching but without luck. Anybody know anything about this saw or where I might find some info on it? Heck with a little help I might even try and put it back into service. I could get rid of my "new and improved" one. I have some pics but they are too big. I'll see if my wife can fix that problem and post them at a later time. Thanks in advance for any input.
I'm new so be nice. LOL