Author Topic: It is a fixed ratio of  (Read 2265 times)

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Offline john k

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It is a fixed ratio of
« on: October 15, 2013, 11:46:49 PM »
Leaving for a run into town today, I only had to return to the house twice for things.  Should have gone back the third and fourth time too.   I am guessing that this is a constant fixed ratio that increases at a rate directly related to the birthdays you are counting.   So I figure if you are young and clear headed, at age 30, you don't need any of these trips.   By age 40 it has increased to 1 (omigoshIforgot) trip.   By age 50, 2 trips back inside.  Having recently passed 60, it now averages 3-4 of these kick thyself memory jogging trips.   What really hurts are the ones you make back inside and see something you forgot, but forgot to pick up what you originally went back in for.  Spouse looks cross eyed at one for these. Making a list just doesn't do it, as those lists are laying all over the house by now.   Fridge is only so big for them post it notes, some of which are so crinkly they cannot be read anymore.  Not sure if there is a cure, if there was, I'd would have left it laying somewhere.    Now, where was I?
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Offline Lewill2

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Re: It is a fixed ratio of
« Reply #1 on: October 16, 2013, 07:11:39 AM »
I know what you mean, I have a post-it note app on my phone but you guessed it I forget to look at it before I leave the house..........Plus I forget to pick the phone up off of the kitchen table......