Sorry I don't have very good pics from the pedal/treadle tools shed, what happened I had found termites in my barn. I had to pull out some stuff, one happened to be a old radio. Now I liked the dial face on the radio so I bought at the auction 50 cents the auctioneer gave e so he didn't have to carry it to the burn pile. So I hosed it off, cabinet is bad. Some internet old radio experts were having a discussion about this manufacturer and they "stated" there were no console radios by this company. Well you know how much fun it is proving the "experts" wrong! So I have that radio under reconstruction and few more in the way of the pedal tools. How many radios you are thinking? Well 20 years ago I lost a bet with my wife, I said 125-150, she said 300, well it took a few days to go and count the all. I wrote down a total of 297, well she had gotten 3 more..... Well she was right that time. so my guess would be 400, counting old test equipment 500 pcs. Btw I live on a farm so the out buildings are full of stuff.