I believe that what you have is a wrap-spring clutch. See, for example,
http://www.google.com/patents/EP1499812B1?cl=en, which is a patent on one such. This would make it a torque limiter, aka slip clutch, or safety clutch. Some of these will last a VERY long time even when being slipped due to encountering more load than they are intended to transmit - and that's exactly what I'd expect a snow-blower auger clutch to do if ice, rocks, branches etc. get caught.
BTW, I destroyed a single-stage snow blower early last winter when one of the tire chains failed and got sucked into the auger: the "shear pins" failed to work, and the resulting sudden load broke part of the housing around the bearings. I took the pins out, and they ARE the kind with two necked-down areas one shaft diameter apart... they just didn't break!
Due to corroded Allen sockets on set screws, I haven't been able to disassemble the auger drive shaft from the engine, and so far, haven't even been able to drill them out & separate the parts! But, I now have a good two-stage unit, so there's no hurry.