Good luck and speedy recovery.
It so happens that in my work I have taken care of a great many folks after bypass surgery. You will be pestered by all those taking care of you to 'do this', 'do that' and it will seem like they are after you constantly when all you want to do is rest. You may wish you could take a long nap and be all better when you wake up. Truth is though, how well you recover depends entirely on how hard you work at it and it's best to know that going in. The secret to speedy recovery is to get moving and do as much activity as you're allowed to do. Much of what they will have you do will be to keep your breathing in shape as you recover. They will give you a device that is used to measure your deep breathing efforts. Use it often and mind your technique. Fresh air is free and it's damn good medicine.
Surgery is never 'routine' when you are the one having it, but I can tell you that the techniques are tried and true and your surgeon will be well practiced in getting the job done. You'll be home before you know it.
I don't mean to sound like I'm offering 'medical advice', and I'm sure your team has prepared you very well, but this is my area of expertise for the past 25 years. If there is a question I might answer that will help you prepare, or if you have a question during your recovery, feel free to pm me or post it here. Like most things, preparation and knowledge are good things to have.