Never seen one of these before, but I've been fiddling with it constantly since it arrived the other week. I'm hoping you fellows might know a thing or two about where it came from?
Assembled, it is a small tack hammer, with a knurled handle and a chrome plated finish. But what about that crank and gear gizmo on the side? More about that in a moment...

First off, unscrew the hammer head. Then, remove the cap on the end of the handle and dump out the bits:

Next, take one of the bits and insert it into the end of the handle.

You will need to pull outwards on the little spring-knob in order to install the bit. The spring-knob pin can either engage the hole in the bit, in which case the tool becomes a standard fixed bit screwdriver, or you can push the bit in further until the spring-pin engages the slot.

Now loosen up the thumb screw on the crank, which frees it up for action:

And Wala!, you have a hand-operated power screwdriver:

Which, truth be told, doesn't really operate all that smoothly. But it's pretty cool, and I'd like to know more about it's origins. There are a few clues, like the chrome plating and the fact that there is no phillips screwdriver bit in the kit, which suggests to me it was made in the 1950's or 1960's. But unfortunately there are no stampings or logo marks on it, so I have no idea who made it or where it came from.
Needless to say any additional info would be appreciated.