Like the title says I am new to the forum and from Texas. I've been lurking for a few weeks and have read up as much as I can. I like to work on vintage cars, Hot rods and Muscle Cars. Currently finishing a '66 VW Beetle for me and about to start on a '67 Plymouth Barracuda for my 19 year old son.
Just recently I got my first vintage Delta drill press from the 1940s, then I had an old Wellsaw band saw follow me home and was just hooked on the craftsmanship of the old machines. This weekend I went to a local Flea Market (swap meet) and came home with an old post drill press and some Stilson pipe wrenches like the ones my dad used to have in his tool box.
I seem to be catching the antique tool collecting bug as I read about the history on the old tools.
Thanks in advance for the advice... I look forward to learning from everyone here and hopefully soon I'll be able to help a newbie as well.