Hope some of you might find some of these interesting.
Proto Challanger obstruction ratchet 1/4 drive. I have no idea how this got bent like this but it still works as it should with no skips or rough spots - a testament to the designer.
Snap on M-70 9/32 drive. I'm pretty sure this is 1936. These were made 1933 to 1937 and were the first small ratchet design from Snap on.
Snap on L78 1 1/2 drive. Largest ratchet Snap on made. The handle is detachable and is 40" long. The head with the handle weighs 28lbs. This is really a monster.
Handle hole is large enough for a silver dollar.
The selector switch is the size of a quarter.
Snap on 5/8 drive ratchet. This one has a drive plug and no selector switch. No idea why someone painted it red. One of these days I'll soak it some DOT 3 brake fluid to remove the paint.
Armstrong NM-51 1/4 drive.
Blackhawk 49996 1/2 drive "baldie". Direction is changed by depressing the button and turning the drive plug a tooth or two. Interesting design but not real handy for making changes in direction so it's no surprise the design never caught on.