COMING REAL SOON: GREAT PLANES FALL ANTIQUE & TOOL AUCTION, Saturday, December 1; 9:30a, Harvester Lions Club, 4835 Central School Road, St. Charles (St. Louis), MO 63304 . A collection of St. Louis marked wood planes; nice assortment of folding rules; W.BAGOT'S WARRANTED NEW YORK plumb & level, Stanley #90 brass bound level; hammers including framing and cobblers; squares, bevels, miter clamps; hand saws, cross cut saws, ice saw; nice assortment of patented and implement wrenches; I.L. Penney Patent treadle powered tool for cutting locks in wooden barrel hoops; Misc. tools: Bookbinders wheel; wheelwrights travelers; primitive shaving horse; wooden pitch fork; wooden rake; tool books & catalogs and lots more. A working list and photo gallery can be found on our web site:, Mike Urness