It could be for a sewing machine, but....... does this look girly to you?
It seems too heavy duty and probably expensive for a sewing machine.
Sewing machines didn't catch on as electrics very quickly. Treadles were working fine, and frankly, early electric machines were pretty anemic.
A good treadle operator can sew 8 layers of Levis like it was tissue paper!
The early dental drills used a foot treadle. The dentist had to physically pump to keep up the speed!
Then they got electric, but we are still talking a belt about 27' long, and articulated arms, with tiny pulleys for the belt, all the way out to the handpiece.
It could still be for something else altogether. Its just that I have had a horrible hole of misery in my jaw for the last week, that is taking forever to heal. So I am secretly wanting this thing to have electrocuted a dentist or two in its time.
yours Scott