A few days ago this midwestern heat wave drove me out of my shop and I found Papawswrench. I was impressed, registered, and made a couple of posts. Now, a little surgery has shut me up in the house for a few more days, and I see no reason to suffer alone. Besides, later I can point out I was on pain killers when I posted this. My introduction:
My screen name pretty much says it all: quality of tool interest; physical and mental state; and general condition of my shop spaces. The thing I like best is trying to bring old forgotten tools back to life and fantasizing I'll actually use them some day. If that ever happens, I'll have to join The Woodworking Blacksmith Guild.
I lay claim to being a tool accumulator, not a collector. I like to play with my stuff, and never seem able to give it up, so I'll probably never be a dealer either. I believe there's old tools out there important enough to be preserved on shelves, but that responsibility is in better hands of those who are smarter, richer, and having more memory than me. However...........if anyone sees anything marked James Swan, Cast Steel, Atkins, Champion, and some others I don't remember offhand, I'd at least like a look. One other name I could mention is Perfect Handle, but that goes without saying around here. Besides, you wrench guys hardly ever let me win a bid.
I think I could be a gun collector. I haven't shot much since leaving the Marine Corps a bunch of years ago, but if I had any money, I could be content to own and display long guns without using them. There's just something about the marriage of good wood, and precision machine work that pushes a button.
This is a whole lot longer than the other introductions, and according to the clock I need to quit, and go explore some pharmaceutical interests anyway.
Rustn out