Thanks for your replies and info. guys! It is amazing to me, that this rasp has been sitting in my unsolved, back burner pile for a year, and I have spent many hours looking for info. such as date made, special purpose, etc. Today for some reason, I almost tripped over it, and decided to dig again. When I came up empty, I posted it for any help I could get from you. After I got the 2 kind responses, I still felt there was more to it, and hit the google search engine again for a few more hours. Finally, I got a hit! This "TRADE MARK"..."RACE-TRAK",(and that's all it is, as opposed to special purpose horse racing), was filed for by the Heller Brothers Company on Saturday, November 27th, 1948. The mark was used on files, rasps, hammers, tongs, clinchers, and pinchers. Its primary class was in the "yarns and threads for textile use", for some strange reason. The mark exired in 1992. So, I now have a time frame of after 1948, and before 1992, and that was one of the main things I wanted to know. Read all about it here: Again,