A flea market find -- I thought I was looking at a Yankee, bought it, a Thorsen wrench (made in India. I have a warped sense of humor), and a 3/8 inch punch. First picture.
When I opened it, only a single spiral showed up. Fussing with the knurled knobs at the base, a second spiral, counter clockwise, appeared. Undo both knobs, and both can be seen, as in the last pic.
It turned out to be a Goodell Brothers driver, a kind of improvement on the Archimedes drill. While it was offered as late as 1924 by Goodell-Pratt, this one is a genuine Goodell Bros, patented in 1897. Pratt bought them out in 1899, making this piece a good 112 years old.
It works like a charm. The spirals are rust free and crisp.
Three bucks bought the lot.