This is a pitman arm. It connects the eccentric drive with the sickle blade on a ground or pto drive hay mower. It drives the sickle blade back and forth between the guards. The two ends are rotated 90 degrees apart. The shaft is hickory with the ends bolted on.
This is the drive end.
This is the sickle bar end.
This is a close up showing the inside shape that fits around the ball on the sickle bar.
This is the ball on the sickle blade that the sickle end of the pitman clamps around.
The pitman connected to the sickle bar.
Pitman wrench spreading the clamp so it can be removed from the ball.
With the open end of the wrench you loosen the clamp, the turn the wrench around place the wedge between the sides of the clamp and twist. Without the pitman wrench to spread apart the clamp, you would have to remove all the bolts that hold the end to the shaft, in order to remove the sickle bar to sharpen or replace the knifes.
In other words as my dad would say 'that's what the little doomer on the end is for.'