I started in on fixing up these chisels without knowing a thing abut it. But I am a fair carver. Those latter pictures show some saws with handles I carved. They're well suited for helping with this.
I took to watching videos on YouTube. There's this one; "Chop With Chris." Seemed the best to me, so I just focused on that one.
This first picture doesn't even show all of em. And the chisel on the far left with a handle tried part way in for size, was the first I started with. This same one is on the far left again in the two successive pictures.
I also picked up that real long chisel without a handle right off. I carved a handle for it. ( 2nd and 3rd pictures )With near 11 inches of steel, I didn't want a stubby store bought handle. I figured that would be like a 30" barrel 12 Gauge with a pistol grip. So I carved a long handle for it. Like a Slick.
I'm real far from finished with this project and I got other things to do. But I don't feel like waiting till I'm done to ask a couple questions.
1) What's the intended use for this long narrow chisel? I'm sure there's a whole lot of you knowing the answer to that,so please respond. As many as feel like it.
But as advertised, my main concern here is about the first chisel I talked about. The one on the far left of those first three pictures; once the rust come off it it uncovered engraving --- PEXTO MADE IN USA. ( bottom picture )
2) Can any one or more of you all tell me about PEXTO Chisels?
Looks like a pretty good alloy. It must be very old, cause my late father-in-law used it for many years and he'd be 108. I've never used it. Till now, all the years I've had it, there was no handle.