Author Topic: One old sorehead and one nice guy June sale  (Read 3368 times)

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One old sorehead and one nice guy June sale
« on: June 02, 2020, 11:36:46 AM »
Dear Tool Lovers,

Normally, in a couple of weeks, we would be having the Semi-Annual One Old Sorehead & One Nice Guy Vintage & Antique Tool Sale. Due to Covid-19, we are just starting to come out of the lockdown, but are still advised to maintain social distancing. As anyone who has been to one of our sales before will realize, social distancing would not be practical. Therefore, the June sale has been cancelled. We are still available, by appointment, for you to come browse and find that special tool (or tools) you can't live without. There is the same large group of tools to choose from, but without the crowd. Give me a call to arrange a time for you to come get your "tool fix".

The next sale is still scheduled for the second weekend of November, and I will be in Austin in September with a load of old tools for the Texas Woodworking Festival. I'll email details at a later date, as we get closer to the time of the Festival.

I'll miss seeing everyone in June, but hope some of you can make it by in the meantime.

Stay Safe,
Lynn Dowd
Dowd's Vintage & Antique Tools

Member of PHARTS - Perfect Handle Admiration, Restoration and Torturing Society
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