1st photo: an Erector set wrench
an unmarked presto-lite key
a double end screwdriver marked "B'P'T HDWE MFG CO." I think it's Bridgeport hardware.
a double sided Stanley Yankee ratchet screwdriver.
unknown item. other side says "Lehigh Portland Cement Co." It's 1/8th inch thick. Any Ideas?
next photo. Brass:
K&E plumb-bob 5 7/8 inches long.
Harwell, gas key?
Horton Brasses, triple wrench.
unmarked solid brass glass cutter.
Last photo:
McBee conductors ticket punch.
Starrett 5 1/2 inch music wire pliers. There may other applications depending on the jaws installed. The jaws on this say "for music wire".
unknown tool marked "Germany". the only thing I can think of is for bending wire or crimping sheet metal. It makes a bend a little tighter than 90 degrees.