Author Topic: Tool Sale in Texas  (Read 2735 times)

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Offline Papaw

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Tool Sale in Texas
« on: September 15, 2018, 08:57:34 PM »
A new and recently scheduled Midwest Tool Collectors Association regional meeting will be held in Austin, Texas on SUNDAY, OCTOBER 21ST, 2018.  MWTCA members who are not exhibitors will be admitted to the event at 10:00 a.m.  Non-members (general public) will be allowed in at 12:00 noon.  If you are a MWTCA member and would like a table at this event, please contact Jim Goodson at 830-955-5006 or via email at

The Jourdan-Bachman Pioneer Farms grounds will open to the public at 10:00 a.m. with an admission fee of $8 per person.  Pioneer Farms is an authentic representation of  1800s Blackland Prairie life with demonstrations throughout the day including a blacksmith working at his forge. 

The Tool Event will take place in the Wessels Dance Hall at Pioneer Farms and will open to the public at 12:00 noon.  I would suggest arriving at Wessels as close to noon as possible, as some of the dealers who have a long distance to travel may not stay as long as others.  There is no additional charge to enter the Tool Event.   

If you would like more information on the MWTCA and the details of this event please contact the organizer, Jim Goodson, at 830-955-5006 or via email at 




(512) 837-1215

Pioneer Farms is located at 10621 Pioneer Farms Drive in northeast Austin, just east of Interstate 35. Exit I-35 at Braker Lane (Exit 243), go east and follow the signs (left at Dessau Road, right at Braker Lane East, right at Pioneer Farms Drive). From Parmer Lane, a mile north of Braker (Exit 245), go east to Dessau Road (third traffic light), turn right and go to Braker Lane East (first traffic light). Turn left and follow the signs.
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