Author Topic: 30th "One Old Sorehead & One Nice Guy" Vintage & Antique Tool Sale  (Read 2255 times)

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Offline Papaw

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The 30th "One Old Sorehead & One Nice Guy" Vintage & Antique Tool Sale is like nothing else in the state of Texas for old tool junkies! Accumulated directly from Texas workshops and tool chests, many of these tools are being offered for sale for the first time in decades.

Though woodworking tools certainly have a dominant presence at the sale, other related crafts and trades are well represented. People from all walks of life turn up to spend hours wandering through thousands of tools and other unusual items that were common in the lives of their ancestors but are scarcely seen today. Tool users, collectors, woodworkers, hobbyists, handymen and women, machinists, engineers, designers, nostalgia buffs, and a surprising number of fascinated children find treasure amidst the tons of planes, saws, chisels, axes, drills, hammers, edged tools, drawknives, rules, calipers, more obscure "whatsits" and less identifiable oddities.

The LUTHIERS INTERACTIVE OF NORTH TEXAS (LINT) will again be joining us on both Saturday and Sunday! Members will display examples of their work and share tips and techniques for constructing guitars and other stringed instruments.

Our parking situation is not what it used to be so the majority of the lot behind us is not accessible. Hopefully, this will change in the future. There is still alot of parking on side streets and the parkway along Garland Rd. as well as a limited amount behind the shop. Our neighbors are very kind and tolerant of our Tool Sale crowds so please be especially considerate of them when you park.

We look forward to seeing you all!

Lynn & Tracy Dowd
Dowd's Vintage & Antique Tools

1400 Williams Drive
Garland, Texas 75042

SATURDAY, NOV. 12TH ~ 9:30 – 6:00
SUNDAY, NOV. 13TH ~ 10:00 – 6:00
Member of PHARTS - Perfect Handle Admiration, Restoration and Torturing Society
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Offline kxxr

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Re: 30th "One Old Sorehead & One Nice Guy" Vintage & Antique Tool Sale
« Reply #1 on: November 04, 2011, 07:28:47 AM »
If you can get a few guitar photos, I'd love to see them, if it isn't too much trouble and you can find the time. Hope you have a great time and a good turnout!