There were already plenty of old loggers here to take down the really big punkins when I needed. So I never did either. I think maybe 4 or so feet at chest height was the biggest I ever personally felled. And these were perfectly sound snags, barely dead. And probably already leaning downhill!!
Laying the giants down soft and true in a bad situation is a real art.
A hollow rotten oak with all those wildly waving branches ?? Hole Mackerel suicide attempt Stony!! heeheheehe
I gave my best one man crosscut away. I did use it quite a bit before it was gone.
It was a top Disston, of course. (none better) A 2 man saw, cut down for the logging competitions that were once so popular here. It had a really well made -heavy- canvas sheath, with leather cuff and tip. And it had the good handle.
All your lesser quality crosscuts, one and two man both, had basically a simple socket riveted on, with a broom handle shoved in it. Your best handle hardware was never sold with the saw as far as I know. You had to get it separate. Fully adjustable, it would solidly lock in at any angle, with a sturdy attached guard for your knuckles in the bargain.
A guy I knew had been a vet, and kind of brain damaged in Vietnam. Then a terrible drunk for years. Crazy Richard was the name everyone knew him by.
But for a couple years he "came back". A really nice girl married him and he set about raising kids and exotic birds. He got a nice little place and made it a lot better, quit drinking, put on some weight, and just generally came alive.
He was interested in old saws and after he had got 4 or 6 ordinary ones (old saws were a dime a dozen at one point), cleaned and hung them up and started a collection, I gave him mine.
Sadly it didn't take. Within another couple of years he had started drinking again and lost the girl and the last time I saw him he was back in the gutter, toothless and alone.
But I don't begrudge him the saw, even now.
I have missed it many times, but I felt he deserved a chance at life and wanted to try and help.
He'd have made a good friend if he could have made it.
yours Scott