As some of you may know Larry my father passed away a little over two years ago. I bear the same name. He had a store called, he loved old american tools. We had a game we would play called 'What The Heck Is This' we were pretty much tied at his passing, I still have the bucket of misfit tools. He spent a fair amount of time here posting, identifying, and horsetrading. He collected quite a few tons of tools. I with my wife, who worked with him for years and did research, posting, and shipping for him(how I met her actually, story for another day), have the task of carrying the torch. I am a hands on and tools guy like my dad, I was blowing the walls on my garage before I got my dads stuff. And the reason you wont see much Plvmb is because my wife wont let any of it go, I'm a snap-on guy myself. We have been using ebay for some time to sell the more conventional tool sets but Jeanne suggested we post here. So I guess I am Notasoldtoolman. But no spring chicken all the same.