Here is another box in progress. I originally started grabbing up the speed handle socket wrenches. Then stumbled onto a hand ful of the T handles. Dug out the fixed end wrenches, then realized I had several of the T handle-flex sockets. Some of these were unique to Ford tool boxes, but put them together, as a working mechanic would have done circa 1932. Some of these came from my wifes uncles sale. He started in Missouri as a mechanic in the 30s. After WWII, he moved to Omaha, evidently brought along his original set of tools as some of them were still in very old cardboard boxes in 1990 at the auction after his passing. You browse through the old catalogs, some tools are marked, Ford head bolts, Oldsmobile connecting rod, special manifold wrenches, etc. The box was bought at a thrift store, the outside was red, but the inside was lined with fabric, evidently some lady used it for a craft display, figured it was worth a dollar.