Lookin very good, nice work.
No dought they work. If I was a buyer for a hand held one I would probably want something more ergonomic or easy to fit in my hand an not so big. They look pretty big an heavy but I could be wrong on scale of photo.
You could also almost mount those to the wall or bar or were ever you want.
They still look absolutely great am are Deffintly a very functional conversation piece. I don't even drink an would consider buying one if I saw it for a good price.
Please keep us posted on how this project goes :)
Thank you n.n
They're quite small, actually, and fairly ergonomic. The size varies from one to another... but they are 1/4" square stock. The curved flat piece is roughly the radius of an index finger.
I've used the the biggest, smallest, and the in-betweeniest, and they all work really quite well, actually. I'm pleased and reasonably certain I'll be selling good product. I'm planning on selling them for $7.50. I've got 21 of them made up :P
This, some belt buckles, a few knives, necklaces, and other things are going to be my first time really putting myself in a setting where I can meet and hock my wares. It's important I don't sell anything I'm not confident in, I don't want to have anything to tarnish the start of my reputation. So I've been obsessing over them a bit, hence the original post ^^;
Here's a better picture for scale... This one has the smallest jaws of the lot, it was my first attempt. All the rest fit the cap better. Ignore the anchor, that's a prototype for an unrelated project that didn't come out how I wanted it to :P