Looks like 10 to 15 pounds of wire buttered on there, but I'm not seeing any preheating signature on the anvil itself.
What wire did you burn in?
Were you holding an interpass temperature or just winging it?
What did you do in terms of postcooling?
If that's an example of free hand grinding with a 7 or 9 inch grinder I can find you work real easily.
The BIG question???
Have you given it some healthy love taps with a 4# hammer yet since it has cooled?
That test was the one I always went to coffee before somebody else did it on a buildup job.
AT LEAST 10-15 lbs... I didn't keep super close track, it ate as much as it needed...But I think it was closer to 20lbs. There wasn't much left on the 30lb spool...
I didn't pre-heat it :/ I was working with the smith from whom I've been apprenticing. He assured me it wasn't necessary, but I insisted on it... We spent about 2 hours trying to rig up the parts to make a propane torch to do so before giving up on it... He said he'd pay for the anvil if anything went awry... So I just did it... The anvil got pretty dang hot in about an hour anyway, and stayed much too hot to touch throughout the process... I peened it between each pass...
I used ER70S-6 .030-Inch wire.
I haven't taken a swing at the anvil yet... It's going to get roasted over a bonfire until it's glowing hot, then the face is gonna get dropped in an oil bath to harden it as much as can be. Then it will be put into service, replacing my 200# Vulcan cast iron anvil.
Also, yes, that's free-hand grinding, using mostly an antique 7" angle grinder. I used my 4" with a flap wheel around the corners to lightly round them, and to put the bevel on the oposing edge of the face.
Don't hurt yourself on that sharp horn.
Gah, you sound just like ny mother XD That's all she could say when she saw my anvil :P I'm handling 1800 degree pieces of glowing steel, and the safety concern is the sharp anvil point :P I'm looking forward to having a sharp point, instead of the very blunt remains on my Vulcan. Plus... Sharp edges! God those will be nice to have! The only sharp edge on my Vulcan is the heel, and even that isn't great.