>(Tool Guyd) socket set and he dates the set to 1940, give or take. So much for pre 1936...
I think he has the date too late, that ratchet style is earlier, and the drive bar is (H) style design (parrallel sides at the fork) with a BE marking, which makes it an early transition piece, so mid/late 30's makes sense to me....
Also, the ad pages on OWWM (thanks, I had forgotten they have logo's there) show a square bottom left corner on the C_ after 1937 or so.
Adding to that the likelihood that Sears did not change the logo's on everything at the same time, That is probably as close as I am going to get.
(The contents of the set don't help much, it doesn't quite match anything made by wells/greenfield, so I have to assume for now it was put together just for sears, which doesn't help date it any)
>he is at both GG & GJ...
Not to mention having his own web site, no wonder he doesn't have time to drop in and say hi anymore; P