I lost my 13mm-15mm combination Double Ended Box wrench and am having a real hard time locating one. Does anyone have one they would be willing to sell?
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I've reached out to friends at GG and a friend gave me some recommendation sources to ask and one of them was to go ask Papaws for help. So here i am with a friendly plea.
I've checked online and at Ebay and Amazon. Also checked in the Sears store here and all they have is Asian coded wrenches. (even in their sets). Sears store had less than 50 USA wrenches on the shelves with zero in stock and none coming in. That's less than 50 American made wrenches Total.
Couple of requests -
Must be in good working shape. not rusted up or bent to high heavens. I try to take care of my tools so a bent wrench would stick out like my wife with too much makeup on It's OK guys - I'm 60 and after 34years of marriage i get to say that. Not recommended for newly weds!!
Made in USA only (no Asian coded wrench please). Would like -v- coded wrench to keep same code as my set. This is for my personal set. I do not sell them. They all go to my son when i pass.
The -v- is not entirely drilled in stone but really would be greatly appreciated to keep my set together.
Anything with a single letter (-v-) or (=v=), or a double letter (-vx-) or (=vx=) or a letter/number (-vx- or =vx=) - x is any letter or number with a v in front is greatly appreciated too.
Thanks huge for reading this! Any help is greatly appreciated!