Author Topic: Thursday Motherlode on Bluff St.  (Read 7366 times)

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Re: Thursday Motherlode on Bluff St.
« Reply #15 on: September 10, 2011, 11:47:00 PM »
Thanks! Awesome haul, sir!
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Re: Thursday Motherlode on Bluff St.
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2011, 08:00:21 AM »
That Powrcraft speeder had to have been made by Wright.
Nice should take care of your weekly 'fix'.
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Re: Thursday Motherlode on Bluff St.
« Reply #17 on: September 11, 2011, 09:16:13 AM »
Well, I need to finish the text on the lower set of photos.  We sorta mentioned the TRW Fender Cover, so the next photo had a new(to me) Indestro Auto Tool Kit with the appendage 1/4" hex drive stuff there too.  The hex ratchet is not of real high quality IMHO, but since I have no reference as to when this was made, it could be a price point kit.  The Auto kit below it I haven't separated out yet to see what's in there.

The tray of old stamped and antique type wrenches(maybe I should call them "non-plated") he originally wanted $5 for the whole tool box full, but that price dropped when he made the "package" deal.  There must be 30+ in there, and if any real keepers show up, I'll post separate photos.  They're still cool regardless of anonymity or not.

The tray of clamps he wanted a dollar for and that included the tray.  No brainer there.  Also in the tray was the Schaul plumbing wrench and the Bruno Tools(Beverly Hills CA!!) boring bit.  Never heard of them.  The bit is either a B-200 or 200-B, I forget.  The Speedway Drill was part of round two's purchase which had the two roller stools the drill, and 15 old country and western CD's which set me back another $10.  I think I got a Rigid PVC hand saw thrown in too.

The bottom photo has the damaged SnapOn screwdriver, the aforementioned Bluegrass DBE, an 8" adjustable, and a couple of name brand pliers.  Those wood trays had shade tree dovetail joints holding them together and when's the last time you someone go to that kind of trouble for storage???  The thumb screw press/ whatever is intriguing, but I'm not sure what you would press with just thumb pressure.  It has a point on the threaded shaft like it was there to stick into wood, but the key says not to use a wrench.

I apologize for all the scattered text here, but we have company this weekend and I'm cramming in what I can when I can.


« Last Edit: September 11, 2011, 05:51:12 PM by dimwittedmoose51 »
Champion Pawn/Flea Plunderer
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Re: Thursday Motherlode on Bluff St.
« Reply #18 on: September 11, 2011, 04:07:44 PM »
I finally sorted out the red /orange tray photo and here's what's there
Top Row
KD Plug wire puller
Auto tool kit Sears? 9-46271
Warner Blade holder
Reese 10-way
US Made lug wrench of some sort(very top)
9" Auto Wrench
Crescent 10" WPP
Indestro DBE 924
4 Chrome X's
Fleet Pliers
Barcalo(under FLeet) DOE
Pliers(w/ a B stamped on the inner side)
No name Pliers
Challenger Side cutters
Bonney 1028 S
Hold Eze screwdriver
German 8" Adj. wrench
No name WPP

Bottom Row:
5 Wards DOE's
SW(w/crest) DOE
Tiger DOE
Williams Super Wrench DOE
PowrKraft DOE
No name combo
 2 Craftsman
Nickel Molybdenum DOE
Thorsen 2014
OTC Reamer
McKaig(?)Hatch WPP
No name snips
No name pliers, but very cool
10" Trimo body(to a good home if someone has the ferrule and jaw)
The SK 3/8" drive is in my tool box already!!

There were a couple of Asian Items, but that's as far as I go with that.


« Last Edit: September 12, 2011, 10:51:18 AM by dimwittedmoose51 »
Champion Pawn/Flea Plunderer
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Re: Thursday Motherlode on Bluff St.
« Reply #19 on: September 12, 2011, 03:04:24 PM »
The last tray of wrenches is finally photographed and the whole top row is no-namers as is part of the left side of the bottom row.  I think I counted 43 of them in that tray.

Starting from the 3rd or 4th  wrench fro  the left on the bottom row:  There's a Bonney an IH, a Moore, a Lakeside, a Dunlap, another Moore, a Mossberg, a Williams Whitman and Barnes,A Billings and Spencer, a Vlchek, a Ford, an Armstrong(the bigg'un), and 2 more Fords.  Now all I have to do is get the 38 wrenches from the ebay box cleaned and photographed and I can start mowing the yard....   nah!!


Champion Pawn/Flea Plunderer
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Re: Thursday Motherlode on Bluff St.
« Reply #20 on: September 12, 2011, 05:07:08 PM »
Bottom row 9 over from the right, and bottom row 1st on the left on top of the S wrench, are they for sale and can I get better details, thanks
Always looking for what interests me, anything early Dodge Brothers/Graham Brothers trucks ( pre 1932 or so ) and slant six / Super six parts.

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Re: Thursday Motherlode on Bluff St.
« Reply #21 on: September 12, 2011, 07:10:45 PM »
pmail headed your way 1930!!  Need to figure out how to send photos via pmail on this forum, first

Champion Pawn/Flea Plunderer
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Re: Thursday Motherlode on Bluff St.
« Reply #22 on: September 12, 2011, 07:18:37 PM »
Send them to my e-mail I need to know if they are marked with sizes, if they are than I dont have any interest. Nice find though and please let me know either way Thanks
Always looking for what interests me, anything early Dodge Brothers/Graham Brothers trucks ( pre 1932 or so ) and slant six / Super six parts.

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Re: Thursday Motherlode on Bluff St.
« Reply #23 on: September 13, 2011, 03:16:10 AM »
Thanks, 1930, I'll send them tomorrow, I dozed off for a while tonight!!


Champion Pawn/Flea Plunderer
Old Tools and Music.....My drugs of choice