“Do you not know that a man is not dead while his name is still spoken?” - Terry Pratchett, Going Postal
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Tools produced by Lakeside Forge were frequently marked with the L-Keystone logo as a forge mark, a design with the letter "L" inside a keystone outline. (The keystone is a reference to Pennsylvania, which calls itself the "Keystone State".) Lakeside adjustable wrenches were offered under the "LACO" brand.Note that at least one other company used "Lakeside" as a brand name. Montgomery Ward used "Lakeside" as one of their tool brands, although typically in combination as "Wards Lakeside" or "Ward's Lakeside". These tools should not be confused with production from the Lakeside Forge Company.
Lakeside Forge CompanyThe Lakeside Forge Company was a merchant forge operator and toolmaker located in Erie, Pennsylvania. The company produced a variety of tools including open-end wrenches, bicycle and auto wrenches, Crescent-style adjustable wrenches, and slip-joint pliers.[Lakeside Forge Company Standard Line]Examples of the company's standard tool production can be seen in the illustration at the left, part of an advertisement in the 1921 Condensed Catalogues of Mechanical Equipment published by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
I have a Forging Industry Trade Marks sheet that lists many Drop forging trademarks. It attributes this mark to Lakeview Forging Co of Erie Pa. Are these the same company ?