040784 is listed in the parts book for the Allis HD9 as a pin. (part of the clutch assy)
Think it is a 9 instead of an 8?
See lot #1395 on Vernon nail auction / wrenching news
(nb: Allis mixes tools and parts in the number sequence..at random..sigh)
Do I think it's a 9? No
Could it be a 9? it sure could be.
Does look like it's closed off on the bottom to be an 8 though.
Rusty may be on to something, I'll dig into that too.
edit.... Thank you Rusty, that is what I had found before, once I saw the picture it all came back to me. Still see mine as an 8, but I am getting old too, the eyes may not see things for what they are all the time.