I saw a local Craigslist ad for vises for sale, not much description in the ad but a few far away pictures led me to believe some of them were Wilton Bullet style. I finally got ahold of the guy and went to see them yesterday afternoon, bottom line I walked away with a 5 inch wide jaw combination bullet with double swivel locks close to a current C2 type that weighs around 120 lbs and a 6 inch wide jaw combination bullet with double swivel locks that kind of resembles the 600 style with the jaw inserts bolted in from the back side of the jaws. The 6 inch must weigh close to 200 lbs. They loaded both in my truck and I had to take them apart before I could unload them at the house. So estimating the total weight of around 300 plus lbs, I paid roughly $2 a lb. I don't think I made out to bad. Both are in good condition no cracks the usual jaw wear and dirty paint but they are sound older Wilton big boys. No pictures to post yet.
One is in the basement on the work bench and one is in the upstairs of the garage on the work bench. I guess I'm covered as far as big vises for now. They both still have the rubber washers on the handles.