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Offline rusty

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PWA - Pratt Whitney Aircraft tools
« on: July 30, 2011, 01:37:49 PM »
[This was on the old site, reposting]

PWA-7 Wrench,Cam Gear
PWA-13 Piston ring clamp,brass
PWA-14 Pipe Wrench?
PWA-19 Monkey Wrench
PWA-20 Crescent Wrench
PWA-21 D.E. Wrench
PWA-22 D.E. Wrench
PWA-23 Magneto Wrench
PWA-24 Socket D.E.
PWA-28 Wrench, Box, 12Pt,5"L,Rocker Lock
PWA-29 Screwdriver
PWA-30 Pliers
PWA-32 Cold Chisel
PWA-33 Punch
PWA-34 Hammer
PWA-35 Gage
PWA-36 Kit ?
PWA-43 Pliers
PWA-51 Puller
PWA-61 Reamer
PWA-67 Puller
PWA-89 Piston ring Compressor
PWA-91 Push rod tube driver
PWA-112 Bar
PWA-144 Wrench
PWA-148 Wrench, carburetor center nut , (stamped offset)
PWA-155 Bar
PWA-177 Wrench
PWA-178 Wrench
PWA-186 Wrench
PWA-211 Bag
PWA-220 Puller-Pusher(?)
PWA-226-4 Facer
PWA-249 Piston ring compressor, brass split hinged ring ,R985
PWA-249D Ring compressor

PWA-314 Carb. metering jet
PWA-321 Adjuster
PWA-439 Wrench
PWA-455 Depresser, Rocker Arm, 15"L
PWA-459-1 Depresser, Valve spring, 2 piece, [Bonney,] R-all
PWA-459-2 Depresser, Valve spring, 2 piece, [Bonney,]

PWA-614 Drift & Base, Rocker?
PWA-621 Puller
PWA-671 Wrench, (Pin Spanner?) 5/16 w .25 pins, 1"Jaws, 6"handle
PWA-672 Valve clearence gage (Feeler guage,bent tips) R-All
PWA-684 Gage, Radius, Exhaust
PWA-748 Socket, 1/2"Dr, 8Pt
PWA-789 Wrench
PWA-849 Pushrod tube driver
PWA-861 Bushing facing cutter
PWA-956 Wrench, SOE,6"L
PWA-959 Bar

PWA-1038 Puller
PWA-1056 Wrench, Adjustable 8", [Cresent]
PWA-1068 Pusher
PWA-1074 Fixture,Pinion Knuc.
PWA-1075 Wrench,Valve Tappet/adjusting(Need verify), [snapon]
PWA-1075-X Socket (3/4),for pwa1075, X may be depth/variation?
PWA-1092 Wrench,spanner, 17.125"L, 3/4Dr, 3.625", Incl 2.812-12"Nut
PWA-1093 Wrench
PWA-1095 Wrench,propeller shaft
PWA-1095-2 TOOTH ??
PWA-1113 Wrench,DOE 1/2x9/16 [Bonney(Z)+?]
PWA-1114 Wrench,DOE 5/8x3/4 [Bonney(Z)]
PWA-1226 Fixture,aircraft maintenance, <=R2000
PWA-1231 Sling,aircraft maintenance
PWA-1263 Wrench,T-handle
PWA-1265 Socket,Face spanner, 3/8Dr,1/2Sq 3/8 deep, [Billings]

PWA-1269 Wrench,Impeller,Nut
PWA-1272 Reamer, T-handle
PWA-1275 Puller
PWA-1287 BAR,Aligning tappet
PWA-1305 Wrench,drain plug (AKA oil screen)
PWA-1346 Reamer,hand

PWA-1374 Wrench, Crowsfoot,Pushrod Cover Nut w handle
PWA-1384 Puller
PWA-1390 Puller
PWA-1392 Socket, Pushrod(Rocker arm) depressor, R985+all? [Bonney,]
PWA-1393 Wrench, (3"L) 9/16, Cyl Base Nut, R985+? [Bonney+?]
PWA-1394 Ratchet
PWA-1395 Drift, Fiber, Piston Pin, R-all,[Bonney]
PWA-1396 Extension(??) [Plomb,Bonney,+?]
PWA-1397 Handle, Socket wrench
PWA-1398 Socket(Obsoleted)
PWA-1399 Wrench(Spanner?)(Lug) 4"L, 3/8Dr, 2+13/32, Cyl Intake Wrench (R985)
PWA-1401 Wrench,DOE 3/8x7/16 [Bonney(Z)]
PWA-1402 Socket, 1",12Pt,3/8Dr ,engine, zinc,[NewBritain,Plomb,?]
PWA-1404 Socket(ex?)
PWA-1405 Socket flex / swivel joint 3/8Dr, [plomb]

PWA-1415 Drift, Bearing
PWA-1417 Wrench(?)

PWA-1424 Socket, Crowsfoot,covernut (Pushrod tube Gland nut), R2000,R2800 (+R985+R1340?)
PWA-1426 Wrench(?)
PWA-1430 Socket,socket Wrench, Hex,1+1/2" 1/2"Dr
PWA-1437 Wrench,Crowsfoot,Open Jaw 9/16", 3/8Dr [Bonney]

PWA-1461 Inserter,bearing/bushing, Pilot, .686 .438deep, 5.5"L
PWA-1463 Inserter,bearing/bushing, Boss&Pilot, 5"L,1.984Boss,1.186Pilot, 1/2"Deep
PWA-1468 Wrench,Deep crowsfoot, 3/8Dr, 5/8", 2.25"deep (Shielded plug assy???)
PWA-1477 Indicator,Top Center
PWA 1948 Socket,3/8Dr, 9/16" shallow, [plomb]
PWA-1500 Socket, Crowsfoot, Intake pipe nut,zinc or blk ox,3/8Dr.,2+5/32", R985+? [Bon]

PWA-1502 Crowfoot attachment,socket wrench 6pt (R985/1340 rocker shaft)
PWA-1506 Wrench, sump pipe wrench, R1830,R2000
PWA-1507 TAP,Cylinder head ,Sparkplug bushing, (R1380,R2000,R2800)
PWA-1518 Inserter,bearing/bushing
PWA-1519 Drift,Generator DRI.?
PWA-1525 socket,Wrench,FACE spanner
PWA-1534 pusher,propeller SH
PWA-1541 Drift,Gearbox, [Bonney]
PWA-1546 Spanner Attachment,socket Wrench
PWA-1556 Tool,Spline,Engine
PWA-1560 Wrench,Crowsfoot,closed jaw/deep,12Pt, 3/8"Dr, 1-3/8" [Bny]

PWA-1585 Wrench,Crowsfoot, 3/8"Dr, 1.25" [Bny]
PWA-1586 Wrench,Crowsfoot,Open 3/8"Dr, 1.25" [Bonney]??

PWA-1590 Puller
PWA-1593 Driver
PWA-1599 Socket
PWA-1604 spanner Attachment,socket Wrench
PWA-1606 Extension,Ratchet H?
PWA-1608 Wrench,PalNut(eg speed nut) ,R-(All w std cyls)
PWA-1633 Wrench, Cyl Base Nut,9/16, *Handed* R985-R2000
PWA-1634 Wrench, same as 1633 but other handed
PWA-1640 Driver,Stud,After B.(?)
PWA-1641 Drift
PWA-1656 Driver

PWA-1657 Wrench, Crowsfoot,Pushrod Cover Nut
PWA-1658 Puller
PWA-1663 Socket, 7/8, 3/8Dr Sparklplug? [Plomb]
PWA-1671 Wrench,spanner, tubular lug,oxide fin,6.386x.363,65deg
PWA-1674 Puller
PWA-1683 Socket 3/4, 3/8Dr, Deep flare nut(for Sensor?) [Bonney]
PWA-1686 Puller
PWA-1693 Puller - bearing cover
PWA-1756 Puller - slide hammer
PWA-1766 Socket 7/8",deep, 3/8Dr, Sparkplug? [plomb]
PWA-1773 Puller
PWA-1777 Arbor,Master rod DO.?
PWA-1779 DIE,Intake pipe COU.
PWA-1786 Wrench,Crowsfoot/Face Wrench Semicircular Open 2 5/8", 3/8Dr [Bonney]
PWA-1799 Counterbore, Sparkplug bushing remover (R985,R1340,R1830,R2000,R2800)
PWA-1800 Inserter,bearing/bushing, Boss&Pilot, 1.125"

PWA-1805-nnn Gage,plug,Plain Cylindrical (nnn - numbered set of various sizes) R2000

PWA-1834 Wrench,spanner
PWA-1858 Wrench,Crowsfoot, 3/8"Dr, 5/8" [Bny]

PWA-1886 Wrench,Strap ,3/8Dr,cloth, for ex pipes etc, [Bonney]
PWA-1890 Puller
PWA-1894 Puller
PWA-1902 Puller
PWA-1910 Drift,propeller SHA.
PWA-1919-4 Adapter,Fixture,CRA.
PWA-1937-20 Crimper
PWA-1950 Wrench,Crowfoot,open jaw, 1-1/16, 3/8Dr [Bonney]
PWA-1954 Puller

PWA-1980 Wrench or drift???, engines?????
PWA-1983 Wrench,propeller SH.
PWA-1998 pusher

PWA-2006 Wrench, Socket (4.5"L) 1/2 Male drive, 9/16 Cyl Base Nut, R1830,R2000

PWA-2044 Puller
PWA-2056 Puller
PWA-2104 Puller
PWA-2125 Drift,Gearbox
PWA-2126 Drift,Snap-ring,PRO.
PWA-2133 Puller
PWA-2144 Drift,Bearing,IMPEL.
PWA-2147 Wrench,spanner, Tubular lug, 12.875"L, 6150Steel w chrome+Ni-Ox,2.5OD,x.25sq
PWA-2151-10 Puller
PWA-2172 Puller,Slide hammer, Gearbox
PWA-2200 Puller

PWA-2210 Wrench, oil sump,R1830,R2000,R2800 [Bonney,]
PWA-2254 Socket,Plug, 7/8", deep,3/8Dr, (ref-engine) [plomb]
PWA-2256 Puller
PWA-2307 Puller, DRIVER+SCREW W T-HDL,THREADED 13/16-20,Disasm magneto drive coupling
PWA-2308 Wrench, Socket,8"L, 1", Spline, W 1/4" Hole
PWA-2318 Wrench,Swivel fitting
PWA-2362 Inserter,bearing/bushing
PWA-2370 Wrench
PWA-2373 Spanner attachment,socket Wrench
PWA-2377 Drift,Gearbox
PWA-2397 Wrench, Socket (Bent/access) 1/2 M-dr., 9/16 Cyl Base Nut, R1830,R2000[Bny]
PWA-2398 Wrench, Extension, 39Deg obstruction, 1/2Dr Fem both ends, 19"L
PWA-2399 Wrench, Box 12pt (~6.5"L)Bent 71Deg, 1/2Mdr, 9/16, Cyl Base Nut, R1830,R2000
PWA-2411 Handle, for 1/2 Male dr. Wrenches
PWA-2411 ??also seen as 11" 3/8-1/2 extension-adapter

PWA-2417 Indicator,Magneto
PWA-2446 Straight-edge, for timing alignment, R985,R1830
PWA-2488 Holder,Master and A.
PWA-2507 Puller
PWA-2534 Fixture,Machining,V.
PWA-2551-4 Drift AND base,ARTI.
PWA-2627 Puller
PWA-2682 Wrench, Box (std,12pt), 3/8x7/16, [Bny]
PWA-2694 ADAPTER,socket Wrench
PWA-2718 ??? looks like a bearing busher
PWA-2725 Wrench body 1-2 IN ??
PWA-2733 Wrench,propeller SH.
PWA-2737 drift and guide,PRO.
PWA-2741 Bar,Engine turning.
PWA-2746-101 Puller
PWA-2749 Puller
PWA-2787 Wrench
PWA-2788 Wrench,socket
PWA-2812 ??? [Bny]
PWA-2835-1 Tool,Pushrod adjusting (Takes socket) [Snap-on<patent 1544520, 1925>]
PWA-2863 Puller
PWA-2864 Wrench,spanner,MAGN.
PWA-2878 Puller
PWA-2892 ??? 5/8" [Bny]
PWA-2904 socket,Wrench,Face spanner
PWA-2910 Puller
PWA-2912-10 Driver,Stud,Superch.
PWA-2919 Guide,Fuel pump drive
PWA-2931 Counterbore,Propell.
PWA-2938 Puller
PWA-3001 Inserter,Screw thread insert
PWA-3004 Gage,Radius,Exhaust
PWA-3024 Socket,socket Wrench
PWA-3121 ??? [Bny]
PWA-3130 Depressor
PWA-3157 Driver
PWA-3174 Wrench,spanner
PWA-3183 Straightedge,Timing
PWA-3202 Wrench
PWA-3232 Driver
PWA-3242 Inserter,bearing/bushing

PWA-3254 Socket, 7/8 engine (also listed aswrench)

PWA-3277-13 Scraper
PWA-3280-10 Roller
PWA-3281 Inserter,bearing/bushing
PWA-3336 Holder,Gear fan dri.
PWA-3346-1 Gage
PWA-3346-2 Gage
PWA-3347-4 Gage
PWA-3349-1 Inserter,Screw thread insert
PWA-3357 Inserter,bearing/bushing
PWA-3397 Socket,Wrench,Face spanner
PWA-3434 Spanner attachment,socket wrench
PWA-3451 Drift,Loading ring
PWA-3459 Puller
PWA-3477 Socket,Wrench,Face spanner
PWA-3490 Holder
PWA-3491 Inserter,bearing/bushing
PWA-3520 Reamer, 8flute,2.6248",w Dr. hdl. hole,(Self aligning?) [CTD co<cleveland-twist drill>]
PWA-3522 Drift
PWA-3526 Puller
PWA-3527 Drift,Fuel pump Dri.
PWA-3529-1 ??? split pipe coller with flange on end
PWA-3534 Puller
PWA-3572 Puller, slidehammer,Gearbox
PWA-3594-101 Puller
PWA-3639 Wrench
PWA-3675 Holder
PWA-3698 Drift
PWA-3718 Drift,Generator Dri.
PWA-3751 Wrench,spanner
PWA-3774 Depressor,Valve Spring
PWA-3790-nn Puller (nn-various parts)
PWA-3804-20 Puller, 5"L
PWA-3813 Drift,Starter Drive.
PWA-3822 Puller, 4.5"L
PWA-3829 Extension,socket Wrench, 1.875"L, 5/8Dr
PWA-3863 Driver,Blower case
PWA-3865 Wrench,spanner
PWA-3866 Puller, 5"L
PWA-3875-100 Puller
PWA-3909-100 Puller
PWA-3912 Wrench,Box(Socket) 8.75L, 12Pt, 1/2"
PWA-3916 Driver
PWA-3923 ??? [Bny]
PWA-3939 Puller, 5"L
PWA-3942-010 TAP,Sparkplug Insert
PWA-4000-33 Remover,Exhaust valve seat, R2000,R2800,R4360

Key to P&W Engines, Reciprocating/Radial

R1340 (Wasp)  1925-current, For Navy wasp, P&W first engine, used earhart L10 electra
R985  (Junior Wasp) 1930's-??? successor to R1340, 9 Cyl
R1690 (Hornet) 1926-1942, 9 Cyl
R1535 (Twin Wasp Junior) 1932-??, 14 Cyl
R1830 (Twin Wasp) 1932-?? , 14 Cyl-Paired, B24 Liberator etc
R2000 (Twin Wasp) 1942-?? WWII enhanced version R1830, DC4 etc
R2180 (Twin *) Postwar ,DC4E etc
R2800 (Double Wasp) Thru WWII, 18 Cyl, 2800HP, P47 Thunderbolt etc
R4360 (Wasp Major) Postwar, 28 Cyl , Last P&W Radial
[See WiKi for detail]

  PWA may appear as "P.W.A.","P-W-A",or PWA
  There may or may not be a dash between PWA and the number.
  These variations might provide makers clues.
  'PW" also stands for Pipe Wrench, and PWA is a known part# prefix
   for some non PWA tools...(Generally followed by a small #)

« Last Edit: July 30, 2011, 01:43:59 PM by rusty »
Just a weathered light rust/WD40 mix patina.

Offline rusty

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Re: PWA - Pratt Whitney Aircraft tools
« Reply #1 on: July 30, 2011, 01:41:25 PM »

[The few comments I was able to salvage from the old site, If anyone still has pictures it would help , much of the information about makers is lost, and there is no documentation to support the makers mark notes in the list anymore : ( ]


 I've seen several PWA1394's besides the Bonney, Plomb, and New Britain style. Here's a pic of the one I saw.

:Tool Pants:

Yesterday at the flea I bought a 3/8" Bonney T35. For some reason I did not notice it had PWA 1394 stamped

on it.


I recently acquired a PWA tool , #1424, which I would describe as a 3/8" drive crowsfoot pin spanner. There are no signs of a makers mark or logo on this tool


I have some pwa tools that came in with the ride.
PWA 3168 Proto LosAngeles 7/8 spark plug socket. 1/2 dr.
PWA 3267 Proto multi spline socket (has about 36-40 small splines) 3/8 dr.
PWA 1396 extension. no name. 3/8 dr 16 inches long.


Bonney Zenel 3725B open jaw 1/2 and 9/16 dull cad plated.


 Mine looked like the one T56 Impala has pictured only mine had a B circled (Bonney).


PWA-2254 is a PLOMB 3/8" drive deep 7/8" socket with thin walls, a square part to the drive end (allows socket to be turned with a wrench), and with an unusual set screw near the drive end...presumably this is a spark plug socket?

PWA-1766 (NOT ON LIST) is also a PLOMB 3/8" drive deep 7/8" socket with thin walls, a square part to the drive end (allows socket to be turned with a wrench), but without the unusual set screw near the drive end...presumably this is a spark plug socket? It is also at least 1/4" shorter than the PWA-2254.

Just a weathered light rust/WD40 mix patina.

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Re: PWA - Pratt Whitney Aircraft tools
« Reply #2 on: July 30, 2011, 05:58:46 PM »
Glad you reposted that! I don't seem to be able to find much at all from the old site.
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Re: PWA - Pratt Whitney Aircraft tools
« Reply #3 on: July 30, 2011, 09:12:06 PM »
Cool! Thanks for bringing it back to the site rusty, as it is a very good reference tool.


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Re: PWA - Pratt Whitney Aircraft tools
« Reply #4 on: August 09, 2011, 05:22:04 PM »
Thanks for the repost, as have a PWA-186 wrench & didn't know the maker of the wrench

Offline dimwittedmoose51

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Re: PWA - Pratt Whitney Aircraft tools
« Reply #5 on: December 08, 2011, 08:06:29 PM »
Rusty:  Just got a load of Plomb stuff from an ebay seller and it had a PWA 1396  3/8" extension in it making me think it is a Plomb despite no Plomb markings on it.  It's like 18" long.  I was searching the PWA 1396 and guess where google sent me?????


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Re: PWA - Pratt Whitney Aircraft tools
« Reply #6 on: January 07, 2012, 10:22:10 AM »
Here's the pic of the New Britain made ratchet. It's been posted in my "missing link's thread since May. There's been a Bonney ratchet on eBay from time to time. If I see it again, I'll get a picture of it.

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Re: PWA - Pratt Whitney Aircraft tools
« Reply #7 on: March 01, 2012, 12:33:05 PM »
I see missing on your tool list a PWA 2043 Snap Ring Plyers for R-2000 engines. The one I have is made by the Hartford Tool and Die Co., Hartford, Conn.   I still use it working on R-2000s. The tool is almost indispencable for taking snap rings off the piston's wrist pin.

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Re: PWA - Pratt Whitney Aircraft tools
« Reply #8 on: March 09, 2013, 06:29:46 PM »
Rusty:  Just got a load of Plomb stuff from an ebay seller and it had a PWA 1396  3/8" extension in it making me think it is a Plomb despite no Plomb markings on it.  It's like 18" long.  I was searching the PWA 1396 and guess where google sent me?????


Hi, I have a PLOMB marked P-W-A 1396 3/8 extension here in the UK, it's approximately16" long and has a thicker shaft than the usual  PLOMB and WF extensions. I used to use it to undo the fans on Citroen 2CV's in-situe throught the starting handle hole.
« Last Edit: March 09, 2013, 06:54:58 PM by Manc »

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Re: PWA - Pratt Whitney Aircraft tools
« Reply #9 on: March 19, 2013, 05:09:59 PM »
Welcome :) Thankyou for the picture :)

>thicker shaft than the usual  PLOMB and WF extensions

Someone else seems to have been making socket/extension tools also,
 I see variations from time to time that don't look Plomb like, but I don't know who (Bonney?)

Just a weathered light rust/WD40 mix patina.

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Re: PWA - Pratt Whitney Aircraft tools
« Reply #10 on: March 21, 2013, 04:10:30 PM »
Thanks for the reply, no risk of chrome flakes coming off these tools, which I like.

Offline lauver

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Re: PWA - Pratt Whitney Aircraft tools
« Reply #11 on: March 25, 2013, 11:20:55 AM »
Welcome :) Thankyou for the picture :)

>thicker shaft than the usual  PLOMB and WF extensions

Someone else seems to have been making socket/extension tools also,
 I see variations from time to time that don't look Plomb like, but I don't know who (Bonney?)


Bonney would be a likely candidate since they supplied sockets, crowsfoots, flairs, and some one-of-a-kind square drive tools. 

Also, recall that Plomb acquired P&C about 1942 to expand military production capacity; it's likely the P&C production at this time would have looked different than the typical Plomb tools. 
« Last Edit: November 22, 2014, 10:08:23 AM by lauver »
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Re: PWA - Pratt Whitney Aircraft tools
« Reply #12 on: March 27, 2013, 05:24:30 PM »

This is not my copy but I've shown it to show the type of manual that lists the tools required for individual engines.

No sizes or maker names given, just the brief description as in Rusty's post.

Here's the additions for Rusty to cut-n-paste

PWA-197   Bar Propellor Shaft Turning (Use with PWA-1095)

PWA-1217  Wrench - Distributor Gland Nut

PWA-2153  Wrench - Push Rod Cover Gland Nut (Smaller)

PWA-2154  Wrench - Push Rod Cover Gland Nut (Larger)

PWA-2190 - Timing Template

PWA-2352 - Timing Segment

PWA-2353 - Timing Pointer

PWA-2396 - Wrench Cylinder Nut (Use with Handle PWA-2411)

PWA-2400 - Wrench Cylinder Nut (Use with Handle PWA-2398)

PWA-2414 - Holder - Master Rod

taken from page 818

« Last Edit: March 27, 2013, 05:44:13 PM by humber2 »

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Re: PWA - Pratt Whitney Aircraft tools
« Reply #13 on: April 27, 2013, 12:01:58 AM »
Wasn't the R-2800 the engine that got put in the F4U Corsair?

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Re: PWA - Pratt Whitney Aircraft tools
« Reply #14 on: April 27, 2013, 03:16:43 PM »
I have this old PWA wrench (# 4313, at the bottom) that I'd love to know what its use was.
And if you want it for your collection, I'm not married to it.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 03:18:27 PM by bonneyman »
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