[This was on the old site, reposting]
PWA-7 Wrench,Cam Gear
PWA-13 Piston ring clamp,brass
PWA-14 Pipe Wrench?
PWA-19 Monkey Wrench
PWA-20 Crescent Wrench
PWA-21 D.E. Wrench
PWA-22 D.E. Wrench
PWA-23 Magneto Wrench
PWA-24 Socket D.E.
PWA-28 Wrench, Box, 12Pt,5"L,Rocker Lock
PWA-29 Screwdriver
PWA-30 Pliers
PWA-32 Cold Chisel
PWA-33 Punch
PWA-34 Hammer
PWA-35 Gage
PWA-36 Kit ?
PWA-43 Pliers
PWA-51 Puller
PWA-61 Reamer
PWA-67 Puller
PWA-89 Piston ring Compressor
PWA-91 Push rod tube driver
PWA-112 Bar
PWA-144 Wrench
PWA-148 Wrench, carburetor center nut , (stamped offset)
PWA-155 Bar
PWA-177 Wrench
PWA-178 Wrench
PWA-186 Wrench
PWA-211 Bag
PWA-220 Puller-Pusher(?)
PWA-226-4 Facer
PWA-249 Piston ring compressor, brass split hinged ring ,R985
PWA-249D Ring compressor
PWA-314 Carb. metering jet
PWA-321 Adjuster
PWA-439 Wrench
PWA-455 Depresser, Rocker Arm, 15"L
PWA-459-1 Depresser, Valve spring, 2 piece, [Bonney,] R-all
PWA-459-2 Depresser, Valve spring, 2 piece, [Bonney,]
PWA-614 Drift & Base, Rocker?
PWA-621 Puller
PWA-671 Wrench, (Pin Spanner?) 5/16 w .25 pins, 1"Jaws, 6"handle
PWA-672 Valve clearence gage (Feeler guage,bent tips) R-All
PWA-684 Gage, Radius, Exhaust
PWA-748 Socket, 1/2"Dr, 8Pt
PWA-789 Wrench
PWA-849 Pushrod tube driver
PWA-861 Bushing facing cutter
PWA-956 Wrench, SOE,6"L
PWA-959 Bar
PWA-1038 Puller
PWA-1056 Wrench, Adjustable 8", [Cresent]
PWA-1068 Pusher
PWA-1074 Fixture,Pinion Knuc.
PWA-1075 Wrench,Valve Tappet/adjusting(Need verify), [snapon]
PWA-1075-X Socket (3/4),for pwa1075, X may be depth/variation?
PWA-1092 Wrench,spanner, 17.125"L, 3/4Dr, 3.625", Incl 2.812-12"Nut
PWA-1093 Wrench
PWA-1095 Wrench,propeller shaft
PWA-1095-2 TOOTH ??
PWA-1113 Wrench,DOE 1/2x9/16 [Bonney(Z)+?]
PWA-1114 Wrench,DOE 5/8x3/4 [Bonney(Z)]
PWA-1226 Fixture,aircraft maintenance, <=R2000
PWA-1231 Sling,aircraft maintenance
PWA-1263 Wrench,T-handle
PWA-1265 Socket,Face spanner, 3/8Dr,1/2Sq 3/8 deep, [Billings]
PWA-1269 Wrench,Impeller,Nut
PWA-1272 Reamer, T-handle
PWA-1275 Puller
PWA-1287 BAR,Aligning tappet
PWA-1305 Wrench,drain plug (AKA oil screen)
PWA-1346 Reamer,hand
PWA-1374 Wrench, Crowsfoot,Pushrod Cover Nut w handle
PWA-1384 Puller
PWA-1390 Puller
PWA-1392 Socket, Pushrod(Rocker arm) depressor, R985+all? [Bonney,]
PWA-1393 Wrench, (3"L) 9/16, Cyl Base Nut, R985+? [Bonney+?]
PWA-1394 Ratchet
PWA-1395 Drift, Fiber, Piston Pin, R-all,[Bonney]
PWA-1396 Extension(??) [Plomb,Bonney,+?]
PWA-1397 Handle, Socket wrench
PWA-1398 Socket(Obsoleted)
PWA-1399 Wrench(Spanner?)(Lug) 4"L, 3/8Dr, 2+13/32, Cyl Intake Wrench (R985)
PWA-1401 Wrench,DOE 3/8x7/16 [Bonney(Z)]
PWA-1402 Socket, 1",12Pt,3/8Dr ,engine, zinc,[NewBritain,Plomb,?]
PWA-1404 Socket(ex?)
PWA-1405 Socket flex / swivel joint 3/8Dr, [plomb]
PWA-1415 Drift, Bearing
PWA-1417 Wrench(?)
PWA-1424 Socket, Crowsfoot,covernut (Pushrod tube Gland nut), R2000,R2800 (+R985+R1340?)
PWA-1426 Wrench(?)
PWA-1430 Socket,socket Wrench, Hex,1+1/2" 1/2"Dr
PWA-1437 Wrench,Crowsfoot,Open Jaw 9/16", 3/8Dr [Bonney]
PWA-1461 Inserter,bearing/bushing, Pilot, .686 .438deep, 5.5"L
PWA-1463 Inserter,bearing/bushing, Boss&Pilot, 5"L,1.984Boss,1.186Pilot, 1/2"Deep
PWA-1468 Wrench,Deep crowsfoot, 3/8Dr, 5/8", 2.25"deep (Shielded plug assy???)
PWA-1477 Indicator,Top Center
PWA 1948 Socket,3/8Dr, 9/16" shallow, [plomb]
PWA-1500 Socket, Crowsfoot, Intake pipe nut,zinc or blk ox,3/8Dr.,2+5/32", R985+? [Bon]
PWA-1502 Crowfoot attachment,socket wrench 6pt (R985/1340 rocker shaft)
PWA-1506 Wrench, sump pipe wrench, R1830,R2000
PWA-1507 TAP,Cylinder head ,Sparkplug bushing, (R1380,R2000,R2800)
PWA-1518 Inserter,bearing/bushing
PWA-1519 Drift,Generator DRI.?
PWA-1525 socket,Wrench,FACE spanner
PWA-1534 pusher,propeller SH
PWA-1541 Drift,Gearbox, [Bonney]
PWA-1546 Spanner Attachment,socket Wrench
PWA-1556 Tool,Spline,Engine
PWA-1560 Wrench,Crowsfoot,closed jaw/deep,12Pt, 3/8"Dr, 1-3/8" [Bny]
PWA-1585 Wrench,Crowsfoot, 3/8"Dr, 1.25" [Bny]
PWA-1586 Wrench,Crowsfoot,Open 3/8"Dr, 1.25" [Bonney]??
PWA-1590 Puller
PWA-1593 Driver
PWA-1599 Socket
PWA-1604 spanner Attachment,socket Wrench
PWA-1606 Extension,Ratchet H?
PWA-1608 Wrench,PalNut(eg speed nut) ,R-(All w std cyls)
PWA-1633 Wrench, Cyl Base Nut,9/16, *Handed* R985-R2000
PWA-1634 Wrench, same as 1633 but other handed
PWA-1640 Driver,Stud,After B.(?)
PWA-1641 Drift
PWA-1656 Driver
PWA-1657 Wrench, Crowsfoot,Pushrod Cover Nut
PWA-1658 Puller
PWA-1663 Socket, 7/8, 3/8Dr Sparklplug? [Plomb]
PWA-1671 Wrench,spanner, tubular lug,oxide fin,6.386x.363,65deg
PWA-1674 Puller
PWA-1683 Socket 3/4, 3/8Dr, Deep flare nut(for Sensor?) [Bonney]
PWA-1686 Puller
PWA-1693 Puller - bearing cover
PWA-1756 Puller - slide hammer
PWA-1766 Socket 7/8",deep, 3/8Dr, Sparkplug? [plomb]
PWA-1773 Puller
PWA-1777 Arbor,Master rod DO.?
PWA-1779 DIE,Intake pipe COU.
PWA-1786 Wrench,Crowsfoot/Face Wrench Semicircular Open 2 5/8", 3/8Dr [Bonney]
PWA-1799 Counterbore, Sparkplug bushing remover (R985,R1340,R1830,R2000,R2800)
PWA-1800 Inserter,bearing/bushing, Boss&Pilot, 1.125"
PWA-1805-nnn Gage,plug,Plain Cylindrical (nnn - numbered set of various sizes) R2000
PWA-1834 Wrench,spanner
PWA-1858 Wrench,Crowsfoot, 3/8"Dr, 5/8" [Bny]
PWA-1886 Wrench,Strap ,3/8Dr,cloth, for ex pipes etc, [Bonney]
PWA-1890 Puller
PWA-1894 Puller
PWA-1902 Puller
PWA-1910 Drift,propeller SHA.
PWA-1919-4 Adapter,Fixture,CRA.
PWA-1937-20 Crimper
PWA-1950 Wrench,Crowfoot,open jaw, 1-1/16, 3/8Dr [Bonney]
PWA-1954 Puller
PWA-1980 Wrench or drift???, engines?????
PWA-1983 Wrench,propeller SH.
PWA-1998 pusher
PWA-2006 Wrench, Socket (4.5"L) 1/2 Male drive, 9/16 Cyl Base Nut, R1830,R2000
PWA-2044 Puller
PWA-2056 Puller
PWA-2104 Puller
PWA-2125 Drift,Gearbox
PWA-2126 Drift,Snap-ring,PRO.
PWA-2133 Puller
PWA-2144 Drift,Bearing,IMPEL.
PWA-2147 Wrench,spanner, Tubular lug, 12.875"L, 6150Steel w chrome+Ni-Ox,2.5OD,x.25sq
PWA-2151-10 Puller
PWA-2172 Puller,Slide hammer, Gearbox
PWA-2200 Puller
PWA-2210 Wrench, oil sump,R1830,R2000,R2800 [Bonney,]
PWA-2254 Socket,Plug, 7/8", deep,3/8Dr, (ref-engine) [plomb]
PWA-2256 Puller
PWA-2307 Puller, DRIVER+SCREW W T-HDL,THREADED 13/16-20,Disasm magneto drive coupling
PWA-2308 Wrench, Socket,8"L, 1", Spline, W 1/4" Hole
PWA-2318 Wrench,Swivel fitting
PWA-2362 Inserter,bearing/bushing
PWA-2370 Wrench
PWA-2373 Spanner attachment,socket Wrench
PWA-2377 Drift,Gearbox
PWA-2397 Wrench, Socket (Bent/access) 1/2 M-dr., 9/16 Cyl Base Nut, R1830,R2000[Bny]
PWA-2398 Wrench, Extension, 39Deg obstruction, 1/2Dr Fem both ends, 19"L
PWA-2399 Wrench, Box 12pt (~6.5"L)Bent 71Deg, 1/2Mdr, 9/16, Cyl Base Nut, R1830,R2000
PWA-2411 Handle, for 1/2 Male dr. Wrenches
PWA-2411 ??also seen as 11" 3/8-1/2 extension-adapter
PWA-2417 Indicator,Magneto
PWA-2446 Straight-edge, for timing alignment, R985,R1830
PWA-2488 Holder,Master and A.
PWA-2507 Puller
PWA-2534 Fixture,Machining,V.
PWA-2551-4 Drift AND base,ARTI.
PWA-2627 Puller
PWA-2682 Wrench, Box (std,12pt), 3/8x7/16, [Bny]
PWA-2694 ADAPTER,socket Wrench
PWA-2718 ??? looks like a bearing busher
PWA-2725 Wrench body 1-2 IN ??
PWA-2733 Wrench,propeller SH.
PWA-2737 drift and guide,PRO.
PWA-2741 Bar,Engine turning.
PWA-2746-101 Puller
PWA-2749 Puller
PWA-2787 Wrench
PWA-2788 Wrench,socket
PWA-2812 ??? [Bny]
PWA-2835-1 Tool,Pushrod adjusting (Takes socket) [Snap-on<patent 1544520, 1925>]
PWA-2863 Puller
PWA-2864 Wrench,spanner,MAGN.
PWA-2878 Puller
PWA-2892 ??? 5/8" [Bny]
PWA-2904 socket,Wrench,Face spanner
PWA-2910 Puller
PWA-2912-10 Driver,Stud,Superch.
PWA-2919 Guide,Fuel pump drive
PWA-2931 Counterbore,Propell.
PWA-2938 Puller
PWA-3001 Inserter,Screw thread insert
PWA-3004 Gage,Radius,Exhaust
PWA-3024 Socket,socket Wrench
PWA-3121 ??? [Bny]
PWA-3130 Depressor
PWA-3157 Driver
PWA-3174 Wrench,spanner
PWA-3183 Straightedge,Timing
PWA-3202 Wrench
PWA-3232 Driver
PWA-3242 Inserter,bearing/bushing
PWA-3254 Socket, 7/8 engine (also listed aswrench)
PWA-3277-13 Scraper
PWA-3280-10 Roller
PWA-3281 Inserter,bearing/bushing
PWA-3336 Holder,Gear fan dri.
PWA-3346-1 Gage
PWA-3346-2 Gage
PWA-3347-4 Gage
PWA-3349-1 Inserter,Screw thread insert
PWA-3357 Inserter,bearing/bushing
PWA-3397 Socket,Wrench,Face spanner
PWA-3434 Spanner attachment,socket wrench
PWA-3451 Drift,Loading ring
PWA-3459 Puller
PWA-3477 Socket,Wrench,Face spanner
PWA-3490 Holder
PWA-3491 Inserter,bearing/bushing
PWA-3520 Reamer, 8flute,2.6248",w Dr. hdl. hole,(Self aligning?) [CTD co<cleveland-twist drill>]
PWA-3522 Drift
PWA-3526 Puller
PWA-3527 Drift,Fuel pump Dri.
PWA-3529-1 ??? split pipe coller with flange on end
PWA-3534 Puller
PWA-3572 Puller, slidehammer,Gearbox
PWA-3594-101 Puller
PWA-3639 Wrench
PWA-3675 Holder
PWA-3698 Drift
PWA-3718 Drift,Generator Dri.
PWA-3751 Wrench,spanner
PWA-3774 Depressor,Valve Spring
PWA-3790-nn Puller (nn-various parts)
PWA-3804-20 Puller, 5"L
PWA-3813 Drift,Starter Drive.
PWA-3822 Puller, 4.5"L
PWA-3829 Extension,socket Wrench, 1.875"L, 5/8Dr
PWA-3863 Driver,Blower case
PWA-3865 Wrench,spanner
PWA-3866 Puller, 5"L
PWA-3875-100 Puller
PWA-3909-100 Puller
PWA-3912 Wrench,Box(Socket) 8.75L, 12Pt, 1/2"
PWA-3916 Driver
PWA-3923 ??? [Bny]
PWA-3939 Puller, 5"L
PWA-3942-010 TAP,Sparkplug Insert
PWA-4000-33 Remover,Exhaust valve seat, R2000,R2800,R4360
Key to P&W Engines, Reciprocating/Radial
R1340 (Wasp) 1925-current, For Navy wasp, P&W first engine, used earhart L10 electra
R985 (Junior Wasp) 1930's-??? successor to R1340, 9 Cyl
R1690 (Hornet) 1926-1942, 9 Cyl
R1535 (Twin Wasp Junior) 1932-??, 14 Cyl
R1830 (Twin Wasp) 1932-?? , 14 Cyl-Paired, B24 Liberator etc
R2000 (Twin Wasp) 1942-?? WWII enhanced version R1830, DC4 etc
R2180 (Twin *) Postwar ,DC4E etc
R2800 (Double Wasp) Thru WWII, 18 Cyl, 2800HP, P47 Thunderbolt etc
R4360 (Wasp Major) Postwar, 28 Cyl , Last P&W Radial
[See WiKi for detail]
PWA may appear as "P.W.A.","P-W-A",or PWA
There may or may not be a dash between PWA and the number.
These variations might provide makers clues.
'PW" also stands for Pipe Wrench, and PWA is a known part# prefix
for some non PWA tools...(Generally followed by a small #)