Went to a fairly large Flea Market yesterday, and found a few more drills for my collection. On way home, made my first-ever stop at a place called Delaney's Surplus Sales (and yes, the phraseology is intended to imply that it WON'T be the last!). Delaney's bills itself as offering plant liquidator [services], and selling government surplus, factory surplus, salvage merchandise, tools, hardware, and lumber. They also have a variety of scrap and found-object sculptures, and a -
lot - more. For a flavor of what they're like, see
http://www.delaneyssurplus.com/history/. It didn't take long for me to start finding power drills in their tool area . . . and despite their closing before I'd gotten done looking, I came away with four more. One is an unknown brand, missing its label. I will add photos, and ask for any possible help in identifying who made it, or who sold it. The color is more of a pale greenish-gold than it looks in the photos, if that helps. I missed another unlabeled drill, but hope to find it again (they turn out the lights when they close, and switches were being flipped before the announcement ended!)