Well, I suppose it's time to do this. I was a member on the old site too. Just before it crashed, I had to stop checking in so much. Had a lot going on at the time, and still do in a lot of ways. Things are starting to get back in order for me, although I did just change jobs.
I was nywrencher on the old site.
As most of you would know that were here back then, I mainly collect farm implement wrenches, but that doesn't stop me from buying as many old wrenches as I can that I come across. It seems I end up buying a lot of other older farm related stuff too. I usually resell all that stuff to fund my wrench collecting. I sell at a couple local flea markets each summer. I normally can buy stuff pretty cheap locally and that makes it easy to resell at less than the current market value and still clear a nice profit.
Unfortunately, I don't have a good place to display my own collection of farm implement wrenches. So they sit in plastic tubs for now. I lost count a long time ago of how many I have. Started to do an inventory, but it got way to overwhelming. I have 14 tubs (25 qt and 14 gal) full of them and for the most part, I know what I have and what I don't have yet. To me, having them is nice, but the hunt for the one you don't have yet is even more fun.