Author Topic: Another Challenge for the What's-It Guys  (Read 5052 times)

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Offline Lostmind

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Re: Another Challenge for the What's-It Guys
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2012, 08:44:45 PM »
Thanks for the details Bill.I never heard of that procedure. I have pulled the coil wire and set it about an 1/8" from the block and set the timing marks up , than turn the distributor until the spark jumps. Not precision , but good to get her running.
Of all the things I've lost , I miss my mind the most

Offline Bill Houghton

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Re: Another Challenge for the What's-It Guys
« Reply #16 on: October 30, 2012, 09:36:05 PM »
Actually I still do have one, although I haven't used it since about 1980...and a dwell meter,tach, etc.  Just can't seem to get rid of them, even though I don't use any of it anymore.

You're not alone.  Some small part of the back of my mind thinks I'm going to happen on one of my quest cars for $25 at a yard sale - Studebaker Hawk/GT (any year except the finned years), Borgward Sport Coupe, Lloyd Alexander (station wagon or sedan, I'm not particular), immediately postwar Wolseley sedan or Jowett Jupiter (lefthand drive on these two, though; not willing to learn righthand drive) - and have to relearn how to set points and timing.

Offline mikeswrenches

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Re: Another Challenge for the What's-It Guys
« Reply #17 on: October 31, 2012, 05:46:31 AM »

Let me know when you find one of those cars.  We can relearn all those procedures together.

Also, if they happen to have a second Studebaker for that price, please get it for me.  I might even go big time and double that price if it was a nice clean one...I'd even take one with the fins.

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