Picture Forum > 6 Inch & Under Club
Some Small Oilers
Here are some some small oil delivery cans I've gathered up over the years. What is the proper name? Oil can doesn't sound right, since that is what I visualize oil coming in. Like a Wolfs Head quart oil can.
Have seen the top ones called pocket oilers, in addition to being small, they have a cover so the oil doesn't leak out into your pocket...
There is definitely a collector niche for those btw...
Nice colection, I only have the thumb pump types.
john k:
I've always like those little oil cans. Heard the small ones called sewing machine oilers, and seen a couple of chrome ones with the name Singer. As far as collecting wise, they dont' take up a lot of room! Seems like there was a huge selection of them, and the pocket ones too.
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