Vista instructions for resizing pics..
Save original pic to desktop (or if you have a file set up in Docs or Pics,thats OK also, as long as you can locate the pics)
Go to Start, programs, Accessories, click on Paint to Open.
In Paint, click on File, from the drop down menu, click on Open, then browse to where your desired pic is located and click on it, then click open. Your pic should now be open in Paint.
On the toolbar across the top of Paint, click on Image, from the drop down menu select Resize and Skew,
in the Resize box/field, enter 40 in Horizontal and Vertical fields and click OK.
On the icon menu on the Left side of Paint select the Magnifying class, and move it down a little.
Back to the File drop down menu, select Save as and modify the name slightly ( add a character, like test.jpg to 1test.jpg), this will allow you to keep the original and the smaller version, click Save.
Any member, please edit as needed for further clarity.
Brian L.