When I bought it your choices for drilling holes were limited to: an electric drill, a brace or a handrill. I also used mine for driving wood screws.
Wait, what do we have now?
You have a laser or something? heeheheh
No they aren't old, but they -are- desirable. NewOldStock with all that chrome? And nothing that good being made now?
Yeah, you are going to get $35 - 50 apiece
In a walk
There are even more people wanting new tools than the best told tools.
I know it seems weird, but its true. New new new is what they all crave.
Don't ask me why. I think they are idiots.
But its still true.
For every person carefully researching and hunting great old tools, there are 5 buying, new. They buy from stores and they buy from tool trucks and they buy from catalogs and on the web. Its the first thing any of them thinks of, and the last thing.
yours Scott