I have a saved search on ebay for Plomb and Hinsdale stuff, but a Plomb 1/2" pebble ratchet caught my fancy on ebay and I bid on it. Ended up winning it for $22. Now many would say I was crazy for spending that much on a ratchet, but this is a PEBBLE PLOMB!! and I don't have one yet. Maybe I'll find 3 of them in the next week for a dollar a piece, but most likely not.
Justification kicks in once you travel to Sears and see their fancy schmancy 1/2" drive ratchet is over $30.......now I feel better getting this off my chest....
To quote Al Franken, "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough, and doggone it, people like me". Maybe one here for the daily quote PaPaw??