I see several sides to this. Firstly, I appreciate what Eddie does with posting the "heads-up" around tool catalogs. I was astounded from day #1 here that he could/would track these daily. When I say I appreciate it, I mean to say is that I find it helpful on occasion in identifying catalogs I've otherwise missed. It also helps serve as a "double reminder" when one is important to me. That said - I'm not in favor of their posting in current form. Here's why:
IMO - "useless" is a little strong, but I tend to agree Frank has a point. I would say it's more like walking into a well funded library, and every piece of reference material is laying on the floor, and any person is free to walk in without announcing his/her self and take it (without record). I find it difficult to surface catalog references within the current construct. The volume of postings in this category is often high. The scope of postings seems to be that of one man's view.
It is also my belief that most serious tool collectors have their "eyes out" sufficiently for "what matter's most". That is to say - business channels that are as common as Ebay, craigslist, kijji, etc. are regularly monitored by them for their prime targets. These sites all have tools to assist you. I understand oversight's happen and search tools lack robustness. I understand there are exceptions where other's help. I've had things brought to my attention I would not had seen otherwise (was done to me here two days ago in a post) - but at what cost to the membership? I can see a better argument for a posting if it were some obscure local advert. no one else is likely to see otherwise, and their is likely interest among the group.
Agreed that "looking for" and "finding" on Ebay are very different. I like to think there is still some competitive advantage to creative thinking, working hard, being focused, and striving to be the best at what you do. It's not that I don't appreciate being "made aware". However, IMHO it is my responsibility, and enjoyment, to find and source as creatively as possible. I like to think my unique methods provide me with a bit of an advantage over the next buyer. When these "heads-up" postings are made, I feel that advantage is somewhat ripped away. If the awareness were made available a little less publicly it would be much more helpful. I'd also suggest these, and other, "heads-up" postings serve to drive auction bidding - good or bad - to your benefit or detriment - like it or no.
I would like to see "heads-up" go away as we know it, and the membership rely on PM to advise other members on items they believe are of importance to them. If the "heads-up" (including catalogs on ebay) are to remain I would prefer to have ALL of them in their own category/bucket - exclusively - with reference content (links to catalogs, etc.) elsewhere.
My friendly 2c