I don't find much on our local Craigslist that interests me. Usually it is way over priced or it is junk, even by my standards, which are pretty liberal I think. Anyway, I spotted these yesterday. I thought sure there must be something wrong as they had been listed for about 3 weeks. I figured they had really nasty owners marks or some other problem, but they sure looked nice in the picture that was posted. I thought $40 was a fair price, not a steal, but it seemed reasonable to me so I didn't dicker. It looks like the 15 and 19 might have been used a time or two, but the others are in new condition. They were stuffed into an 8 piece "Thorsen II" Dallas,Texas 8 piece plastic wrench pouch with the black and green(?) art work, but I don't that is the original package. I'll post a shot of the pouch later. I went through the whole thread and didn't see any of these posted. Are they 70s vintage, Oily?
The forum gnomes made me reduce the file size to 250kb or less, so I lost a lot of detail. I’ll put it on photobucket later when I have some spare time.