Picture Forum > 6 Inch & Under Club
Mag Wrenches
I bought these about a month back along with a big lot of monkey wrenches
Now you need something with a magneto on it to work on!
Last time I did was an old Harley Sportster with a mag conversion on it.
My 1929 10-20 McCormick Deering, my nephew's '29 L case, my brother's '40 DC Case and several more in the family all have magneto ignitions. So far, we haven't needed to work on them. Magnetos are remarkably dependable even after 80 some years. I just think that the little proprietary wrenches are cool.
john k:
Those tiny ones are really neat. When they even included a feeler gauge, cause they know the tractor owner didn't have one. And all those names, Bosch, Delco, Remy, Eiseman, names one doesn't hear anymore.
I do like those North East wrenches, I have a little collection of the very same already, if you would like to sell them let me know, thanks for the pictures
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