Knowing my dad is friends with a guy that owns a local private rail company - I mentioned to him I would like to get a section of rail. My desire being to make a small anvil I can use in the garage. I do not currently own an anvil. My dad says to me in that conversation "just go see Jack he'll give you a piece". I told him repeatedly I didn't know the guy and didn't feel real comfortable just stopping by and name dropping for a freebie, but that if he happened to have some scrap from the re-rail project I'd like to have it.
Months have gone by, project to re-rail come and gone, and today my dad calls me late on his way home and asked if I'll be around. I was and he stopped by and, you guessed it, had a section of rail for me. I haven't weighed it nor measured but I'd approx. 24" and something around 75lbs.
I'm very excited to have this guy. I could use it as is to be honest. I'll get pictures taken and posted after I weigh and measure it. I did find several good threads here on rail anvils. I solicit your positive comments on how I might proceed with this project. I would really rather have a horn but I'm not a blacksmith and I'm concerned I may just axe it up trying.