Picture #1. Next up is the broken ram guide. At some time in the past the ram was broken and re welded. Some time after that, there must have been a really good crash because the whole top half was broken from the guide. I think it would be impossible to run the hammer with the guide broken like this. The guide shows more wear than I have ever seen on a guide!
Picture #2. This is comparing a good guide with the broken guide.
Picture #3. I machined a new center piece for the guide out of 4140 steel and cut a couple of filler pieces out of mild steel. Sid from little giant has used A36 angle iron and found that the metal would gall between the ram and the ram guide. Hopefully the 4140 will not have this problem!
Picture #4. The repair pieces clamped to a steel plate to align the parts.
Picture #5. I tacked the pieces on one side and then flipped them to tack the other side.
Picture #6. While welding I flipped the parts back and forth, welding on one side and then the other to equalize the stresses from the welding. After welding the parts I used the flypress to straighten the slight bow left in the parts.