For a very long time, the only brand of lettering set I ever saw was the "Leroy"; in fact, it often was simply spoken of as "using the Leroy" or even "Leroying" rather than "lettering" when not done freehand. Leroy is actually Keuffel & Esser's brand name for these sets. Mine has 9 of the narrow slats with letters & symbols in a variety of sizes and fonts; one is a very strange one that shows what I believe is sort of shorthand for laboratory glassware, and has a few oddities like a paramecium [I think that's what it is...]. The label inside the set has a note indicating that it belonged to the "Medical Illustration" department somewhere, so that makes sense. I think I have another with military cartographer's symbols, somewhere... Likely there were some even more esoteric than these; K & E made an immense variety of drafting-related equipment, back in the day.